
Displaying 4901 - 4910 of 14391

Eunice Magalhães & Maria Manuela Calheiros - Child Indicators Research,

For this study, a sample of 365 adolescents in residential care settings in Portugal completed a set of self-reported measures, specifically, the Rights perceptions scale, the Place attachment scale and Scales of psychological well-being.

Ebenezer Cudjoe, Lars Uggerhøj, Alhassan Abdullah - Children and Youth Services Review,

The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of young people with child protection meetings, in order to develop better ways to improve children’s participation in child protection in Ghana.

Nuria Mackes - The Conversation,

In this article for the Conversation, Nuria Mackes discusses her team's latest research on the impacts of early childhood deprivation on adult brain size and behavior.

Nuria K. Mackes, Dennis Golm, Sagari Sarkar, Robert Kumsta, Michael Rutter, Graeme Fairchild, Mitul A. Mehta, Edmund J. S. Sonuga-Barke - PNAS,

To investigate the impact of childhood deprivation on the adult brain and the extent to which structural changes underpin these effects, the authors of this study from PNAS utilized MRI data collected from young adults who were exposed to severe deprivation in early childhood in the Romanian orphanages of the Ceaușescu era and then, subsequently adopted by UK families.

France 24,

This video from France 24 describes the long-term impacts of institutionalization on the children placed in orphanages in Romania thirty years ago.

National Development Planning Commission,

The aim of this study is to understand the complexity of child poverty in Ghana by investigating children's access to various goods and services crucial for their long-term development.

Save the Children,

This report’s primary purpose is to recommend evidence-based strategies to improve the relevance and effectiveness of field interventions that target development outcomes for migrant girls in Southern Africa.

Bukola Salami, Dominic A. Alaazi, Philomina Okeke‐Ihejirika, Sophie Yohani, Helen Vallianatos, Brittany Tetreault, Christina Nsaliwa - Child & Family Social Work,

In this paper, the authors report the results of a study examining parenting challenges among a sample of African immigrant parents in Alberta, Canada.

Care Inspectorate,

This report draws attention to themes emerging from notifications of the deaths of 61 care experienced children and young people over seven years from 2012 to 2018.

Mary Louise Kelly - All Things Considered, NPR,

In this segment from NPR, Efrén Olivares of the Texas Civil Rights Project discusses the lasting impacts of family separation on children and parents who have since been reunified.