
Displaying 4941 - 4950 of 14391

Organizações da Sociedade Civil ,

No ano de 2019, o mundo foi assolado pela eclosão do novo Coronavírus com os primeiros casos detectados na China.

Plataforma da Sociedade Civil Moçambicana para Protecção Social (PSCM-PS),

Medidas preventivas e de mitigação do impacto do COVID-19 nos grupos vulneráveis e de alto risco entre os beneficiários do PSSB.

Republic of Moldova,

În temeiul art. 4 alin. (6) și art. 6 din Legea nr. 315/2016 privind prestațiile sociale pentru copii (Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova, 2017, nr. 19-23, art. 56), cu modificările ulterioare, Guvernul HOTĂRĂŞTE:

1. Se aprobă:

Julia Alberth - University of Wisconsin School of Medicine & Public Health,

This analysis of system dysfunction in the U.S. involving legislative powers, child welfare agencies, and peripheral systems, such as juvenile justice, schools, and healthcare, reveals a distinct misalignment in shared values.

Jordan Farrar and Theresa S. Betancourt - Handbook of Political Violence and Children: Psychosocial Effects, Intervention, and Prevention Policy,

This chapter reports on one such intervention, the Family Strengthening Intervention (FSI), initially developed and tested in Rwanda to improve communication and parenting in HIV/AIDS-affected families with school-age children.

Nauman A. Abdullah, Amtul Javaid, Sonia Omar - Journal of Elementary Education,

The present research study was aimed at exploring the Psychological Capital Development in Street Children through Education at Child Protection and Welfare Bureau, Lahore.

Ukrainian non-governmental organizations (NGOs),

The Alternative Report (AR) on the implementation by Ukraine of the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is the result of the joint work of public sector experts in the field of the protection of the rights of the child.

Child Rights Coalition Asia, through support of UNICEF Philippines, Plan International and Save the Children,

This resource book simplifies and unpacks budget processes with key guidance on specific policies and steps for those who seek to be champions for child-centered public finance in the Philippines context.

Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO),

Este recurso de CAFO provee guía a individuos dedicados a servir a niños y familias en riesgo en construir la resiliencia a través de las relaciones para ayudarles a construir un futuro mejor.

Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO),

This e-book from CAFO provides guidance to individuals dedicated to serving at-risk children and families on how to build resilience through relationship to help them build better futures.