
Displaying 6231 - 6240 of 14390

PM News Nigeria,

"The Lagos State Government has empowered another 200 household heads of orphans and vulnerable children with economic strengthening tools," says this article from PM News Nigeria.

Emily Munro - Leaving Care and the Transition to Adulthood,

This chapter from the book Leaving Care and the Transition to Adulthood explores progress towards realizing the rights of young people in and leaving out of home care in Australia, Sweden and the UK.

Tina Willauer and Kim Coe - National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare,

This presentation was given at the National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect in Washington, DC in April 2019. The presentation outlines data on the prevalence of parental substance abuse as a contributing factor for child removal in the US and highlights practices that work for families with substance abuse disorders.

Theresa S. Betancourt, Emily Franchett, Catherine M. Kirk, Robert T. Brennan, Laura Rawlings, Briana Wilson, Aisha Yousafzai, Rose Wilder, Sylvere Mukunzi, Josee Mukandanga, Christian Ukundineza, Kalisa Godfrey & Vincent Sezibera - Early Child Development,

A pre-post design with 6–13-month follow-up assessed the feasibility and acceptability of a home-visiting intervention to promote early childhood development, improve parenting and shared decision-making, and reduce violence in impoverished Rwandan households.

Victoria Sharley, Janetta Ananias, Alyson Rees, Emmerita Leonard - The British Journal of Social Work,

This article initiates the conversation on the conceptualisation of child neglect in Namibia, reporting findings from a small study undertaken in 2017.

Frank Golding & Jacqueline Z. Wilson - Children’s Voices from the Past,

This chapter summarises a case that goes beyond traditional welfare archives to reveal a story of multi-generational welfare custody, exemplifying the historic ideology underpinning child welfare in Victoria, Australia.


This new guide can assist child welfare agencies in planning and implementing best practices in foster parent recruitment, development and support. It features six key drivers for driving better results and offers specific strategies for achieving and sustaining excellence in foster parenting.

Ron Haskins, Jeremy Kohomban, and Jennifer Rodriguez - Brookings Institution,

As the number of children in foster care in the US continues to rise, this blog post from the Brookings Institute highlights the "growing need to prioritize effective recruitment and retention for foster parents, including relative (or kinship) foster parents" and the foster parent recruitment and retention guide developed by the CHAMPS campaign and the Brookings Institution’s Center on Children and Families.

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

Speakers in this webinar will share details about the Global Statement of Ethical Principles and the nine guiding principles included within it and share some examples of how a code of ethics is being implemented in different county settings.

Ryan D. Davidson, Meredith W. Morrissey, Connie J. Beck - Family Court Review,

This literature review examines research on the outcomes and experiences of Hispanic families in the US child welfare system and how case characteristics interact with the experiences of Hispanic families.