
Displaying 6271 - 6280 of 14390

Manuel Bojorquez - CBS News,

This article, and accompanying video, tells the story of Jose Alvizures and his son who were separated upon arriving to the United States from Guatemala and were kept apart for 324 days.

Udayan Care,

ICEB is an international, multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed academic journal on Alternative Care for out-of-home-care (OHC) children and young persons, focused on the South Asia region. The journal invites you to participate in its call for paper for their September 2019 Special Edition issue on the topic 'Caregivers'.

Montserrat Fargas Malet, Dominic Mc Sherry - Paper presented at 9th European Conference for Social Work Research,

The Care Pathways and Outcomes Study is a longitudinal study following 374 children who were in care and under five years old on 31/3/2000 in Northern Ireland. The study followed where the young people ended up living, whether they returned to their birth parents, went into kinship or non-relative foster care, or were adopted.

Shalhevet Attar-Schwartz - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study was based on a random cluster sample of 1409 youth, aged 13 to 20, in Israeli educational residential care settings (RCSs) designed for youth from underprivileged backgrounds.

BBC News,

Excavators have reportedly found the remains of 27 people on the site of  "one of the largest institutions for young offenders in the US" which closed in 2011 but was previously known for the "alleged abuse and murder of children over its 111-year history."

Miyoung Yoon, Seungjong Cho, Dalhee Yoon - Children and Youth Services Review,

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of self-esteem as a mediator in the association between different types of child maltreatment (i.e., physical abuse, physical neglect, emotional abuse) and depressive symptomatology among a sample of adolescents in out-of-home care.

Marcus Y. L.Chiu, Corinne Ghoh, Gerard Chung, Kwok P. Choi - Children and Youth Services Review,

Drawing on the baseline data, this paper profiles >200 multistressed families (MF) who entered into a specific enhancement programme in Singapore and compares the sociodemographies, family functioning and resilience of the children between transnational and non-transnational families.

Carol Natukunda - New Vision,

A recent media engagement on the effect of growing up in institutionalized care in Kampala, organized by Child’s i Foundation, revealed how children in orphanages are often mistreated, some even denied food, according to this article from New Vision.

Jamal El Shayyal - Al Jazeera,

The "massive migration" of people from Venezuela "is creating a new crisis, affecting the many children who are being left behind," according to this video from AlJazeera News. 

UK Department for Education,

This statistical release provides national and local authority (LA) level information on the outcomes for children who have been looked after continuously for at least 12 months at 31 March 2018, by local authorities in England.