
Displaying 6241 - 6250 of 14390

Larissa Rossen, Stacy Tzoumakis, Maina Kariuki, Kristin R. Laurens, Merran Butler, Marilyn Chilvers, Felicity Harris, Vaughan J. Carr, Melissa J. Green - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study examined associations between early developmental vulnerabilities and (1) the highest level of child protection response (where out-of-home care was deemed the highest response among other types of reports/responses), and (2) the developmental timing of the first child protection report.

Susan Jacobs and Maureen Flatley - The Chronicle of Social Change,

This commentary, co-written by retired Special Advisor to the Office of Children’s Issues at the U.S. Department of State, Susan Jacobs, and adoption and child welfare consultant Maureen Flatley for the Chronicle of Social Change, offers some explanations for the decline in adoptions to the US from other countries over the last decade or so.

Tiny Spark,

This podcast episode by Tiny Spark explores how the surge in orphanage volunteers may lead to child trafficking and asks who is benefitting from these experiences: vulnerable children or foreign volunteers?


El Seminario de RELAF tiene como fin fortalecer los procesos de desinstitucionalización mencionados e impulsar otros semejantes en el resto de los países.

Family for Every Child,

Family for Every Child is looking for a Member Scoping Officer to support with researching and identifying potential new members for the Alliance, and to support with bringing new members on board and accompanying them on the Member Journey. 

Family for Every Child,

Family for Every Child is looking for a Programme Officer to join the Secretariat of the practitioner-led Alliance.

Family for Every Child,

Family for Every Child is looking for a Knowledge Management Coordinator to strengthen the Alliance’s capacity to transform information into knowledge, which both informs their own joint work and is used to evidence impact, and influence others. 

Lucas A. Gerber, Yuk C. Pang, Timothy Ross, Martin Guggenheim, Peter J. Pecora, Joel Miller - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study utilizes a quasi-experimental propensity score matching design to assess the causal impact on child welfare outcomes when parents facing an abuse or neglect case in the New York City Family Court were provided interdisciplinary law office representation as opposed to a standard panel attorney.

Işık Kulu-Glasgow, Monika Smit and Ibrahim Sirkeci,

This book largely focuses on unaccompanied minors who arrived in a European country in 2015, with special attention paid to the top-three nationalities of unaccompanied minors, namely Syrian, Afghan and Eritrean minors.

Lilly Sullivan - This American Life,

This radio segment from This American Life describes an incident in a small town in Tennessee, USA in which nearly 100 people were deported in one day during a workplace raid, leaving many children behind without their parents.