
Displaying 6301 - 6310 of 14390


ISS/IRC is seeking a Children’s Rights Specialist/Officer.

Flora Drury - BBC News,

An estimated 95,000 children in Rwanda are believed to have been orphaned during the genocide of 1994, according to this article from BBC News which tells the stories of some of those children, now adults, who are searching for living family members.


The main objective of the consultancy is to review and map the current tools and processes utilized under the Tubarerere Mu Muryango (TMM) programme, as well as within other programmes, and develop practical guidance, training materials and working tools to effectively apply the 12-TMM steps for reintegration of children with disabilities, starting from individual child and family assessment, community strengths/opportunities analysis, placement and post-reunification support.


The main objective of the consultancy is to review and map the current tools and processes utilized under the Tubarerere Mu Muryango (TMM) programme, as well as within other programmes, and develop practical guidance, training materials and working tools to effectively apply the 12-TMM steps for reintegration of children with disabilities, starting from individual child and family assessment, community strengths/opportunities analysis, placement and post-reunification support.


UNICEF has now initiated the process of inviting inputs from civil society organizations to contribute to the report of the Secretary General on the promotion and protection of the rights of children without parental care.

Wataneya Society,

This conference aims to enhance aftercare policies and institutional practices through connecting alternative care stakeholders and setting a platform for learning and collaboration among Arab nations to overcome the challenges of “Aftercare”.

Ingrid Sindi & Judit Strömpl - Child & Youth Services ,

In this article, the authors provide children’s insights into their own life experiences and individual identities. The data was collected during an ethnographic research in one of Estonia’s SOS Children’s Villages (SOS CV).

Mark Cronin - Genealogy,

The main argument in this article is that the rationale for the state’s growing interest in children (in particular those children who are considered a social problem) and the emerging social policy solutions, i.e., foster care, are driven by particular political and economic agendas which have historically paid little attention to the needs of these children and young people.

Julia Jacobs - The New York Times,

According to this article from the New York Times, "it may take federal officials two years to identify what could be thousands of immigrant children who were separated from their families at the southern United States border, the government said in court documents filed on Friday."

Bryn King, Barbara Fallon, Ami Goulden, Carolyn O’Connor, and Joanne Filippelli - Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services,

This article examines characteristics and decision making related to investigating workers’ determinations that young children of adolescent and young adult mothers are at risk of future maltreatment.