
Displaying 7261 - 7270 of 14393

SUKA Society, UNHCR Malaysia,

This is a child-friendly summary of a handbook developed specifically to create a Foster Care Programme for unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) within the Rohingya community in Malaysia.

SUKA Society, UNHCR (Malaysia),

This handbook was developed specifically to create a Foster Care Programme for unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) within the Rohingya community in Malaysia. Article 20 (Children deprived of family environment) and Article 22 (Refugee children) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) require that special care arrangements and protection are provided for UASC while preserving their ethnicity, religion, culture and language. In the case of Rohingya UASC, this calls for a special Foster Care Programme where these children are placed under the care of families from the Rohingya refugee community.

Karen Broadhurst, Bachar Alrouh, Claire Mason, Harriet Ward, Lisa Holmes, Mary Ryan, Susannah Bowyer,

This report aims to provide the first estimate and profile of newborns in care proceedings in England using national population-level data and provide a critical discussion of the findings for further consideration and development by family justice stakeholders.

Krystle Kabare - Development Pathways,

This report provides insights into the current situation in Kenya regarding the inclusivity of social protection for people with disabilities.

UNICEF Ghana, Department of Social Welfare of the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection,

This report presents the key findings and recommendations from a comprehensive geographical mapping and analysis of Residential Homes for Children (RHCs) in Ghana.

UNICEF Ghana, Department of Social Welfare of the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection,

The purpose of this Foster Care Operational Manual is to provide guidance to Department of Social Welfare (DSW) officers and Foster Care Agencies on the delivery of foster care services in line with the Children’s Amendment Act, 2016 and Foster Care Regulations 2018.

Florence Treyvaud Nemtzov, Kruno Topolski, Zuleima Reyes Tacoronte - SOS Children’s Villages International,

This publication from SOS Children's Villages and CELCIS describes the two-year project 'Prepare for Leaving Care,' which aimed to "embed a child rights based culture into child protection systems which improves outcomes for children and young people in particular in the preparation for leaving care," with youth participation at the heart of all activities.

Elisa Minoff - Center for the Study of Social Policy,

By examining the roots of policies that separate families and their entanglement with racial prejudice and discrimination, this report makes the case that we must embrace an alternative path.

Peter Kamau - Faith to Action Initiative,

This podcast episode from the Faith to Action Initiative features an interview with Peter Kamau, Founding Partner of Child in Family Focus – Kenya, about his experience growing up in an orphanage.

Adam Avrushin & Maria Vidal De Haymes - Loyola University Chicago Center for the Human Rights of Children,

This report presents findings from a research project to (1) address the knowledge gap on children who are unaccompanied immigrants1 (“CUI”), with its focus on the Chicago metropolitan area, and (2) provide relevant information to stakeholders who can strengthen the systems that support these young people.