
Displaying 10221 - 10230 of 14477

Dr Chrissie Gale - CELCIS & SOS Children's Villages,

The overall purpose of this study is to present an ‘introduction’ to alternative care systems in Central and South America (CSA).

SOS Children’s Villages International,

The European Recommendations on the implementation of a child rights-based approach for care professionals working with and for children highlights the steps to be undertaken to develop a child care service workforce capable of applying a child rights-based approach to their work.

Children England,

This paper is an attempt at rethinking the systemic problems facing the funding and commissioning of care services and placements for children in need of care and adoption, across ALL types and specialisms of placement, from kinship care, through foster care, to residential care and adoption.

Dr Chrissie Gale and Mr. Chandrika Khatiwada - SOS Children's Villages, CELCIS, European Commission,

The report investigates why children are placed into alternative care, what types of alternative care are available in Nepal, what structures and processes govern alternative care, how the alternative care workforce are trained and supported, and what is and is not working in Nepal's current system. It concludes with recommendations for enhancing alternative care in the country.

Dr. Ian Milligan - European Union, CELCIS, SOS Children's Villages ,

This report is a case study on alternative care arrangements and deinstitutionalisation in Uganda. 

Dr Ian Milligan, Mr Richard Withington, Dr Graham Connelly, Dr Chrissie Gale - European Union, CELCIS, SOS Children's Villages,

This desk review provides a brief mapping and summary of existing knowledge on alternative care and deinstitutionalisation in Africa. 


This document summarizes the content of the 6-7 October 2016 Network Meeting of National Statistical Offices. The event comprised of a number of presentations on topics related to the SDGs and data on children in alternative care. 

Cambodian Children's Trust,

A blog post from Cambodian Children's Trust pointing out the best way to help children begging on the street is to support children's organizations that support children and families in need.

Dufour, Sarah; Lavergne, Chantal; Gaudet, Judith; Couture, Dominique -- Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne,

This study underscores the fact that visible minority families receiving child protective services are a far from homogeneous group and that there are a number of effective methods that can be used with them.

Nuria Fuentes-Peláez, Ma Àngels Balsells, Josefina Fernández, Eduard Vaquero - Child and Family Social Work,

This paper analyses how social support enhances family resilience in kinship foster families by involving the families in an educational group programme.