
Displaying 10231 - 10240 of 14477

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child. 

Georgette Mulheir avec Mara Cavanagh,

On estime que 32 000 enfants vivent dans des orphelinats en Haïti.

Georgette Mulheir and Mara Cavanagh - Lumos,

According to this report from Lumos, of the estimated 32,000 children who live in orphanages in Haiti, only 20 are percent orphans.

Barbara Lee, Esme Fuller-Thomson, Nico Trocme, Barbara Fallon, and Tara Black -- Children and Youth Services Review,

This study used the 2008 Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect data to determine the representation of child maltreatment investigations for Asian-Canadian versus White-Canadian children involved in the child welfare system.

Joseph P. Ryan, Brian G. Victor, Andrew Moore, Orion Mowbray, and Brian E. Perron -- Children and Youth Services Review,

This study tests an intervention to improve child welfare outcomes for substance abusing families, specifically the probability of families achieving a stable (at least 12 months) reunification. 

Nancy Rolock and Kevin R. White — Children and Youth Services Review,

This research examines the long-term stability of legally permanent adoptive and guardianship homes for former foster youth. 

James Bell Associates on behalf of the Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families,

This brief explores challenges and strategies for evaluating systems and organizational change in US child welfare settings.

Better Care Network,

A summary of the International Alternative Care Conference 2016 via Storify.

Irish Examiner,

Irish government urged to take in unaccompanied children from Calais refugee camps.


In this video from United Aid for Azerbaijan, several experts and public officials discuss the importance of deinstitutionalization.