
Displaying 12211 - 12220 of 14437

Human Rights Watch,

La pratique répandue au Japon de placer des enfants vulnérables dans des institutions au lieu de foyers familiaux prive des milliers d’entre eux de l’opportunité de se préparer à une vie productive et indépendante au sein de la société japonaise, a déclaré Human Rights Watch dans ce nouveau rapport.

Kingdom of Lesotho,

This document presents the Kingdom of Lesotho's National Multisectoral Child Protection Strategy 2014–2018 and a Costed Plan of Action for 2014-2016. The document is a more detailed operational document, setting out a road map for actions from July 2014 through to March 2017. 

Human Rights Watch,

La pratique répandue au Japon de placer des enfants vulnérables dans des institutions au lieu de foyers familiaux prive des milliers d’entre eux de l’opportunité de se préparer à une vie productive et indépendante au sein de la société japonaise, a déclaré Human Rights Watch dans ce nouveau rapport.

Open Society Foundations,

This paper examines the work Open Society Foundations have done in Croatia as part of its Mental Health Initiative (MHI), with the goal of helping people with disabilities return to their communities where they are support

Irwanto & Santi Kusumaningrum, Center on Child Protection University of Indonesia PUSKAPA UI ,

This report presents analysis and key findings from a study aimed at fully understanding the situations of children in Indonesia that may lead to family separation.

Shawna J. Lee, Andrew Grogan-Kaylor, Lawrence M. Berger - Child Abuse & Neglect ,

This study examined whether spanking by the child's mother, father, or mother's current partner when the child was 1-year-old was associated with household CPS involvement between age 1 and age 5.

Child Trends, Doha International Family Institute, Institute for Family Studies, Focus Global, and the Social Trends Institute,

The second annual edition of the World Family Map investigates how family characteristics affect children’s healthy development around the globe and includes a new essay focusing on union stability and early childhood health in developing countries.

Family For Every Child, Corinna Csaky,

This report highlights the needs of children without adequate family care, the impact inadequate care on children and society, and why family care is important. In this report, Family for Every Child also issues several recommendations for those in all sectors of society and an example of care reform from Brazil. 

SOS Children’s Villages International ,

SOS Children's Villages is offering a paid internship based in its international office in Vienna to support a global campaign team in the day to day running and future development of its global advocacy Care For Me project

Usang M Assim and Julia Sloth-Nielsen,

This article specifically focuses on kafalah as an alternative care option for children deprived of a family environment in comparison with other forms of alternative childcare.