
Displaying 12201 - 12210 of 14437

This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as part of its examination of the first periodic report of Azerbaijan under Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at its 125th and 126th meetings, held on 1 and 2 April 2014, respectively.

Susan Kasedde, Aoife M. Doyle, Janet A. Seeley, David A. Ross - Social Science & Medicine,

This qualitative study examines the role of older people (60 years and above) in fostering decisions for orphans and non-orphans within extended families in a rural Ugandan community heavily affected by HIV.

Tara Winkler in an interview with Phil Kafcaloudes for Radio Australia,

In this piece from Radio Australia, Phil Kafcaloudes interviews Tara Winkler, an Australian woman who set up an orphanage in Cambodia at the age of 21 and who has since changed her mind about institutional care.

David Anderson - Child Abuse and Neglect Journal, Volume 38, Issue 4,

This article highlights the historical role churches have played in child protection stemming from biblical teachings and mandates as well as a current example of church involvement in child protection.

Human Rights Watch,

This report by Human Rights Watch examines Japan’s alternative care system for children. It describes its organization and processes, presents current data on the use of different forms of alternative care and highlights the problems found in the institutionalization of most children (including infants), as well as abuses that take place in the system.

Doncel, FLACSO, UNICEF Argentina,

La investigación es un trabajo en conjunto entre DONCELGUÍA EGRESO y&

Christopher Wildeman and Jane Waldfogel ,

This review takes a three-pronged approach to showing why the dearth of sociological research focused on children in foster care is problematic.

UNICEF Centre de presse,

La terrifiante épreuve d’une fillette reflète ce que vivent des milliers d’enfants emportés par le conflit au Soudan du Sud : séparés de leur famille, ils se retrouvent seuls et ont besoin d’une aide urgente.

Mary Dozier, Roger Kobak, Abraham Sagi-Schwartz, Carole Shauffer, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, Joan Kaufman, Thomas G. O’Connor, Stephen Scott, Judith Smetana, Charles H. Zeanah,

This statement of policy of by American Orthopsychiatric Association reviews the evidence on the use of congregate or group care for children and adolescents and concludes that institutional care is nonoptimal for children of all ages, including teenagers, and that even smaller group care settings can be detrimental to the growth and well-being of youth.

SOS Villages d'Enfants ,

Comment les réseaux sociaux solides soutiennent les enfants d’Afrique subsaharienne et leurs familles. Les enfants et les familles vulnérables ont besoin d’un système de soutien social qui réponde aux problèmes qu’ils rencontrent grâce à des solutions efficaces et durables. Les observations présentées dans ce rapport sont un « cliché instantané » des pratiques prometteuses  en matière de développement et de pérennité de la communauté.