
Displaying 13081 - 13090 of 14435

The African Child Policy Forum,

Children with disabilities in Africa are among the most neglected groups in the policy domain as well as in the private sphere. The majority of these children face enormous economic, political, and social barriers that have an adverse impact on their physical, social and intellectual development and wellbeing.

Republic of Moldova,

În scopul realizării prevederilor Convenţiei Internaţionale cu privire la drepturile copilului, la care Republica Moldova a aderat prin Hotărîrea Parlamentului nr.408-XII din 12 decembrie 1990, Convenţiei Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite privind drep

Department of Social Welfare, Ricerca e Cooperazione, Catholic Action for Street Children, Street Girls Aid,

The main objective of the Census was to create a database on Street Children that could be used as a platform to enable Government to design relevant policies and spearhead the delivery of services in partnership with NGOs, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Community Based Organisations (CBOs), families, communities and other stakeholders, to prevent and/or greatly reduce the phenomenon of Street Children in Ghana.

Seth D. Pollak, Charles A. Nelson, Mary F. Schlaak, Barbara J. Roeber, Sandi S. Wewerka, Kristen L. Wiik, Kristin A. Frenn, Michelle M. Loman, and Megan R. Gunnar - Child Development,


Adrian V. Rus, Sheri Parris, David Cross, Karyn Purvis, Simona Draghici - Revista de cercetare si interventie social,

This article reviews the series of major changes undergone by the Romanian child welfare system from 1990 to 2010, including the laws and governmental reform measures enacted, the shift in child population among various Romanian institutions and foster care homes, types of institutions available to children, level of care, shift in reasons for child abandonment, changes in ways children are routed through the system, and how these changes have effect children’s development, health, and psychological well-being.

Dainius Puras - The Regional Office for Europe of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (ROE OHCHR),

This document was commissioned by the Regional Office for Europe of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (ROE OHCHR). One of its aims was to stimulate discussion at the Sub-Regional Workshop on the Rights of Vulnerable Children Aged 0 to 3 Years in Prague on 22 November 2011.

FrameWorks Institute,

This toolkit presents a compendium of research on how Albertans think about the issues of early childhood development, and how to increase public support for policies and programs that support healthy child development.

Child Frontiers, Ltd.; Ministère de la Famille, des Groupements Féminins et de la Protection de l’Enfance; Ministère de la Justice & Cellule d’Appui à la Protection de l’Enfance,

Cette cartographie et analyse du système de protection de l’enfance au Sénégal fait partie d’une initiative régionale de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale soutenue de manière technique et matérielle par un groupe régional de référence composé de Plan International, Save the Children Suède, Save the Children Finlande et l’UNICEF. 


This presentation provides an overview of approaches and frameworks utilized to strengthen child protection systems in Africa.

Bundervoet, Annan & Armstrong - International Rescue Committee,

This brief presents the results of the mid-term evaluation of the New Generation project - a three-year project comprised of two components: 1) A VSLA intervention involving the establishment of Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) and th