
Displaying 13101 - 13110 of 14435

Delaunay V., Galenao Germain L. ,

La question de l’abandon d’enfant est une question majeure et récurrente dans le monde.  Nous l’abordons ici à travers la question du placement d’enfants en institution, qui constitue une réponse particulière à l’abandon d’enfant et nous interrogeons les dynamiques en œuvre.

Calogero Carletto, Katia Covarrubias, John A. Maluccio - Food Policy,

This paper examines the relationship between migration and child growth in the rural highlands of Guatemala, a region with substantial international migration outflows, significant remittance inflows, and some of the highest rates of child undernutrition in the world.


Ce guide est conçu pour aider le personnel et les partenaires de l’UNICEF à mettre en place et à faire fonctionner des Espaces amis des enfants (EAE) dans une situation d'urgence.

Judy Furnivall, SIRCC, on behalf of Scottish Attachment in Action - Institute for Research and Innovation on Social Services,

This document stresses the importance of healthy attachments for children, especially looked after children. It provides an overview of attachment theory, presents the policy context of looked after children in Scotland, outlines the evidence on effective interventions for children in care and their families, and highlights findings and practice implications.

Rachel Blades, Di Hart, Joanna Lea, Natasha Willmott - Prison Reform Trust,

The main aim of this research is to enhance the understanding of why children in care in the UK are disproportionately likely to end up in the youth justice system or in custody.

Nirekha De Silva and Asitha G. Punchihewa ,

This research on the institutionalization of children in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka was carried out by Save the Children with the support of the Department of Probation and Children Care Services and National Institute of Social Development.

The Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion (MIGEPROF), Rwanda,

This brief was prepared by the Rwandan Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion (MIGEPROF), requesting the Cabinet to approve the proposed child care reform strategy and to support its implementation.

Robert B. McCall - Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development,

This chapter presents conclusions, trends, conceptual analyses, hypotheses, and speculations regarding some fundamental issues of research, practice, and policy that are largely unsettled or controversial, regarding children without permanent parental care.

Southern African Development Community,

The Minimum Package is a guide to encourage the harmonizing of service delivery for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children and Youth (OVCY) across the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region.

Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group,

This Advocacy Package explains what the IASC guidelines are and how they are to be used, highlights the key campaigning activities, key messages for communities, donors, UN Agencies and Non-Governmental organisations, clarifies terminology and provide ideas for country level implementation.