
Displaying 9561 - 9570 of 14477

Committee on the Rights of the Child, United Nations,

General Comment 21, issued by the Committee on the Rights of the Child, provides guidance to States on developing comprehensive, long-term national strategies on children in street situations, utilizing a child rights approach and addressing both prevention and response in line with the Convention on the Rights of the Child

James Kaboggoza - Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development Uganda,

This presentation provides an overview of the implementation of the INSPIRE child protection framework in Uganda. 

Franziska Meinck, Lucie Cluver & Sinovuyo Teen Team - Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford,

This presentation describes the process, key findings, and recommendations from the Sinovuyo Teen Study, a project of the World Health Organisation's Parenting for Lifelong Health.

Geoffrey Oyat - Save the Children,

This presentation describes the findings from a 2015 Save the Children study on kinship care in Ethiopia, Kenya and Zanzibar. 

Akua Boatemaa Duah - Challenging Heights,

This presentation describes the social protection interventions being implemented to support children in Ghana, as well as the benefits and challenges experienced in administering these programs. 

SRSG Marta Santos Pais,

In this video message, Marta Santos Pais, SRSG on Violence against Children, addresses the June 2017 Africa Expert Consultation on Violence against Children (VAC) in All Care Settings

Choong Rai Nho, Eun Hye Park, & Mary L. McCarthy - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study examines successful transitions of children from out-of-home care to young adulthood in Korea to draw implications for child welfare practice and policies. 

Carluke Gazette,

Inquiry into historical child abuse in Scotland begins after child occupants of the Smyllum Orphanage came forward with allegations of abuse, nearly four decades after the close of the institution. 

Sumithra Prasanna & Ray Yeh - CNA Insider,

This six part video series follows Jyothi Svahn, who, believing she was 'stolen' and trafficked as an 'orphan', goes on a multi-country hunt for her birth family - and uncovers an international adoption industry built on lies, greed and heartbreak.

Meg Wingerter - KCUR,

KVC Kansas, a foster care contractor in Kansas, partnered with Child Trends to train foster parents and caseworkers about childhood trauma; results illustrated that if adults undersood the impact of trauma on the developing brain, foster children in their care were more likely to stay in one foster placement and have reports of better behavior.