
Displaying 5941 - 5950 of 14390

Barbara A. Morrongiello & Amanda Cox - Child Indicators Research,

There is no uniform definition of supervisory neglect and this creates challenges for measurement and identifying caregivers at risk. In this article definitional and measurement issues are discussed, as well as challenges in conceptualizing prevention.

Loring Jones - Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services,

This review examines the legislative history leading up to extended care, the research on youth leaving foster care, youth preferences for extended care, the competition of extended care with permanency options, and the effects of extended foster care on transition-age youth.

John Sudworth - BBC News,

This video from BBC News shares the stories of parents in China's Xinjiang region whose children have disappeared, likely as part of the Chinese government's efforts to separate them from their Muslim communities.

Rong Bai, Cyleste Collins, Robert Fischer, David Crampton - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study explores facilitators of and barriers to effective collaboration between workers at partner organizations working on a program focused on the reunification of housing-unstable families with their children in out-of-home placement in the US.

UNICEF Pacific,

UNICEF Pacific is seeking a consultant for Child Protection in Education for Pacific Island Countries.

Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim - Filiation and the Protection of Parentless Children,

In this chapter of Filiation and the Protection of Parentless Children, the author shows the ways in which premodern Muslim jurists and judges (with focus on early modern Egypt) were able to circumvent the prohibition of adoption through discursive moves and practices, which helped create a family life for many parentless and non-biological children.

UNICEF Pacific,

UNICEF Pacific is seeking an international consultant for Child Protection System Policy Development for Pacific Island Countries and Territories.

International Rescue Committee,

Dans le cadre du Projet national “Umwana mu muryango” (UMMU) de « Prise en charge alternative de qualité pour les enfants au Burundi», financé par l’Union Européenne (UE), International Rescue Comittee (IRC) est en concertation avec le Ministère des Droits de la Personne Humaine, des Affaires Sociales et du Genre en vue de s’attacher les services d’un Consultant national ou international, de préférence résidant au Burundi pour la réalisation d’une Stratégie Nationale de Prise en charge alternative des enfants au Burundi.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child.

McKenna Corlis, Amy Damashek, Kate Meister, Hilary Richardson, Barbara Bonner - Child Maltreatment,

This study examined child protective service (CPS) involvement of children surviving the child maltreatment fatality (CMF) of a sibling as well as predictors of subsequent CPS reports.