Hong Kong

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The ECDI2030 is a tool, developed by UNICEF, to measure progress toward SDG indicator 4.2.1. It captures the achievement of key developmental milestones by children between the ages of 24 and 59 months. Mothers or primary caregivers are asked 20 questions about the way their children behave in certain everyday situations, and the skills and knowledge they have acquired.

Gillian M. Raab, Cecilia Macintyre and Janice McGhee - Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research,

This report describes the patterns of care for infants who first became looked after in Scotland when under 1 year of age between 1st April 2008 and 31st July 2017.

Kelley Swain - The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health,

In this piece for the Lancet, Kelley Swain reflects on the UNICEF video essay series, “Coping with COVID-19”, which invited 16 adolescent girls from nine countries to film their lives under lockdown—“unfiltered, unscripted, 100% real”.

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth,

The Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes and certain related matters was established by the Irish Government in February 2015 to provide a full account of what happened to vulnerable women and children in Mother and Baby Homes during the period 1922 to 1998.

Ella Archibald-Binge - The Sydney Morning Herald,

This article from the Sydney Morning Herald highlights a new position that has been created - NSW deputy guardian for Aboriginal children and young people - as part of government reforms to reduce the stark over-representation of Indigenous children in state care, and the head of the national peak body for First Nations children, Richard Weston, who will fill that role.

International Parent Advocacy Network (IPAN) and Rise,

The International Parent Advocacy Network (IPAN) and Rise have developed this toolkit for advocacy by parents whose families have been harmed by child welfare systems worldwide

Better Care Network,

This Practice Brief accompanies the International Review of Parent Advocacy in Child Welfare: Strengthening Children's Care and Protection Through Parent Participation.

Better Care Network and International Parent Advocacy Network (IPAN),

Promoting parent and child participation is central to achieving children’s rights. This review of the literature and program documentation presents evidence on the role of parent advocacy in achieving better outcomes for children and their families in child welfare.


This webinar explains two tools, one to help institutions intensify the assessment and preparation process for children who have to move out quickly and the other to help organizations provide retrospective ‘preparation’ for children who have already returned to their families without preparation or support.

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

The 7th annual Social Service Workforce Week will be celebrated October 26 - 30.