Hong Kong

Displaying 3811 - 3820 of 14392

Jenny Simpson, Gary Clapton - Applied Social Studies & Sociology,

This article charts the UK history of contact in fostering and adoption as it relates to children in care and their birth relatives.

Divya Mishra, Vasileia Digidiki, Peter J. Winch - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study explores how male unaccompanied migrant children’s interactions with child protection staff in Greece shape their future trajectories as migrants.

Johan Vanderfaeillie, Stacey Van Den Abbeele, Giulia Fiorentino, Laura Gypen, Delphine West, Frank Van Holen - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study aims at examining if processes proposed by self-determination theory (SDT) are supported in a foster care sample.

Kofi Antwi-Boasiako, Bryn King, Barbara Fallon, Nico Trocmé, John Fluke, Martin Chabot, Tonino Esposito - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This paper compares incidence data on Black and White families investigated by Ontario’s child welfare system over a 20-year period.

CBC News,

An agreement between the Assembly of First Nations and the Canadian federal government has added funding to a bill passed last year "— officially known as An Act Respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis Children, Youth and Families — to reduce the number of youth in care, and allow communities to create their own child welfare systems to bring and keep their youth home," according to this article from CBC News.

Michael Fitzgerald - The Chronicle of Social Change,

This article shines light on a recent 174-page report by the Movement for Family Power, the Drug Policy Alliance and New York University’s Family Defense Clinic that features the "anguished accounts of [women] being penalized [by the child welfare system] shortly after giving birth."

Nefertiti Austin - The New York Times,

This article from the New York Times describes how "relative caregiving is ingrained in Black households and a main reason for the low number of formal adoptions [among Black families in the United States]."

Joyce Hlungwani & Adrian D. van Breda - Child & Family Social Work,

This article describes the psychosocial resilience processes that facilitate successful transitioning of young women as they journey out of residential care towards young adulthood.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

This brief provides an overview, including key questions and considerations, of version 2 of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action's Technical Note on Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Better Care Network and Consortium for Street Children,

In this webinar hosted by Better Care Network and the Consortium for Street Children, speakers from three NGOs presented on and discussed the care implications of COVID-19 and responses to the pandemic on street-affected children.