Hong Kong

Displaying 3831 - 3840 of 14392

The WHO–UNICEF–Lancet Commissioners,

In this comment piece, the The WHO–UNICEF–Lancet Commissioners argue that "recovery and adaptation to COVID-19 can be used to build a better world for children and future generations."

Alicia Boatswain-Kyte, Tonino Esposito, Nico Trocmé - Children and Youth Services Review,

This article examines rates of disparity using secondary longitudinal clinical-administrative data provided by a child protection agency in Quebec for a subsample of Black, White, and other visible minority children over a ten-year span.

Lorraine Moore - The Scotsman,

In this opinion piece for the Scotsman, Lorraine Moore, Manager of the Edinburgh-based HUB for SUCCESS, expressed concern over the implications of COVID-19 on children in care and care-experienced young people and proposes a model for addressing the poor educational outcomes for care-experienced people

Catherine G. Coughlin, Robyn R. Miller, Selina Higgins, Kidian Martinez, Christine Dipaolo, Jordan Greenbaum - Medical Perspectives on Human Trafficking in Adolescents,

In this case, we meet Maya, an adolescent girl in foster care who is trafficked for sex.

Stela Grigoras - UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO),

This White Paper summarizes evidence on the current use and impact of small-scale residential care (also: ‘SSRC’) and offers guidance on how to enable all children to grow up in a loving and stable family environment. It aims to promote better decisionmaking among policy-makers, local governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as child welfare and other, allied practitioners of the establishment.

Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY),

This document (written in Khmer), the Cambodia Child Protection Monitoring Framework, contains 50 core indicators considered important in assessing the child protection system in Cambodia.

Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY),

This document, the Cambodia Child Protection Monitoring Framework, contains 50 core indicators considered important in assessing the child protection system in Cambodia.

Lynelle Long - Inter Country Adoption Voices,

This paper from Inter Country Adoptee Voices (ICAV) attempts to bring together not only the voices and experiences of impacted intercountry adoptees who have lived experience with some form of illicit practice in their adoption, but also the voices of a few adoptive parents and first family representation. 

National Council for Children's Services - Republic of Kenya,

This care system assessment is intended to support the Government of Kenya to assess and strengthen the national, formal care system.

Changing the Way We Care,

Este documento profundiza en la investigación de la inversión pública en aquellos programas o actividades en Guatemala que tienen como beneficiario final la niñez y adolescencia, separado de sus progenitores y que crece bajo el abrigo de una institución o de una familia extendida o sustituta.