Hong Kong

Displaying 3841 - 3850 of 14392

Rachel Marcus, Amina Khan, Carmen Leon-Himmelstine and Jenny Rivett - UNICEF,

This rapid evidence assessment (REA) aimed to answer three questions: (1) What interventions have been effective in ensuring the protection of children on the move? (2) What are the implementation factors that make these interventions effective or that hamper effectiveness (for example the context of the intervention, and specific design features such as who is targeted)? and (3) What kinds of social welfare and child protection systems are linked to effective interventions?

Center for the Study of Social Policy,

This brief explores how policymakers can begin to build a comprehensive and inclusive system of supports to protect immigrant families.

Eleanor Ross, Leila Patel, Madoda Sitshange and Khuliso Matidza - The Centre for Social Development in Africa (CSDA), University of Johannesburg,

The main purpose of the follow-up evaluation was to assess first, whether participants in the Sihleng’imizi Family Strengthening programmes had retained what they had learned and were able to implement these learnings nine months following termination of the intervention; second, to compare these findings with the control group that had not been exposed to the programme; and finally, to consider the policy implications of combining cash transfers with family care programmes.

Kenny McGhee and Dr. Autumn Roesch-Marsh - CELCIS / Scottish Care Leavers Covenant,

The briefing begins by providing a brief overview of the current situation for care experienced young people in Scotland, highlighting significant recent developments which provide a context for discussions about the impact of lockdown on care leavers.

Observatory of Children's Human Rights Scotland and Children & Young People's Commissioner Scotland,

This child-friendly Independent Children’s Rights Impact Assessment (CRIA) shows what the Scottish Government still needs to do to protect children’s rights during the coronavirus pandemic.

Observatory of Children's Human Rights Scotland and Children & Young People's Commissioner Scotland,

This Independent Children’s Rights Impact Assessment identifies significant concerns around decision making and scrutiny and highlights the impact on children and young people of the responses to COVID-19 in Scotland.

Andy Bilson & Taliah Drayak - PFAN Blog,

This article argues that "we can't afford child protection" - there is a need for a fundamental shift, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, from focusing on risk and blame to supporting families and children - and discusses a framework for a new approach and strategies for change.

Save the Children,

This paper is divided into two parts: The first details the evidence from the ground, painting the picture of life for children during the pandemic in different European countries with statistics and examples, and giving a set of recommendations on measures that national governments across Europe can take to help protect children from the worst impacts of the crisis relating to the economic impacts on families, loss of services, access to education and targeted measures for children in migration. The second part focuses on recommendations to the EU institutions on how EU policy and funding can support and complement these national-level actions in these challenging times.

Save the Children,

This Scoping Study and Sector Review, produced under the guidance of the Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs and Family (MESAF) of Somaliland and Save the Children, is a strategic analysis of the existing policy landscape in Somaliland in order to inform the development of a Social Protection system.

The Fostering Network,

This report from the Fostering Network presents findings from a rapid response survey for foster carers and fostering services across the UK that sought to understand fostered children’s experiences of education during the pandemic.