Hong Kong

Displaying 4041 - 4050 of 14392

Molly O'Toole - Los Angeles Times,

"Citing the coronavirus to seal the border to an unprecedented extent, the [U.S.] administration is engaged in a pressure campaign against immigrant parents to get them to give up either their kids or their legal claims to protection in the U.S.," says this article from the Los Angeles Times.

Ariana Kelland - CBC News,

Families with children in foster care in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador are "in the process of being reunited with their kids after a lengthy suspension of in-person visits due to COVID-19," according to this article from CBC News.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, Child Helpline International, Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CP AoR), UNICEF,

This note provides practical advice to child protection actors and service providers on how to support children and families through a child helpline service and explores how existing child helpline can contribute to, and participate in, efforts to support children and families during the COVID-19 pandemic through child protection mechanisms and systems.

ChildFund, Plan International, Save the Children, SOS Children's Villages, Terre des Hommes and World Vision,

This briefing paper sets out how children in Uganda are being affected, and practical recommendations to the Government, donors and other key stakeholders.

Save the Children,

Nepal's Minister of Women, Children, and Senior Citizen, Parbat Gurung, "interacted with children during Save the Children and Community Information Network’s (CIN) ‘Ministers with Children’ - a campaign designed to elevate the voices of children in COVID-19 discussions, with the aim to make elected representatives and policy-makers more accountable towards the need and challenges of children in Nepal," according to this press release from Save the Children.

Lorana Bartels & Thalia Anthony - The Conversation,

A new report from Change the Record "highlights numerous ways Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have been disproportionately affected by the more punitive and restrictive policy responses to the pandemic [in Australia]," including Indigenous children in out-of-home care, according to this article from the Conversation.

Lorena Allam - The Guardian,

"Aboriginal people [in Australia] in prisons are going without soap, and children in out-of-home care are being refused contact with their families under “punitive” restrictions enforced due to Covid-19," says this article from the Guardian.

Sarah Munthali - All Africa,

"Children who were fostered by the Social Welfare Office in 1997 and were allegedly given to an orphanage, were reunited with their biological mother at an emotional ceremony on Monday in Mchinji," according to this article.

Allison Martell - Reuters,

"Children in Canada’s foster care homes have gone weeks without being able to see their parents in person and plans for safe reunions are still uncertain," says this article from Reuters.

Suman Khadka and Buthdy Sem - UNICEF Cambodia,

This article from UNICEF Cambodia describes how UNICEF and its partners are responding to the needs of children in residential care during the COVID-19 pandemic.