
Displaying 3721 - 3730 of 14435

Marion Jarczok, Beatrice Knecht Krüger, Tanja Mitrovic, Gomera Gérard, Andreas Jud - Child & Family Social Work,

This study investigated Switzerland's first large‐scale care leaver programme and analysed associations between care leavers' needs and contactability in a sample of 459 care leavers.

Tammy Mills - The Age,

"Thousands more children are likely to be placed in out-of-home care due to the coronavirus pandemic, but advocates for minors say it is a human tragedy that could be avoided," says this article from The Age.

Noel Titheradge - BBC News,

"The number of children in care in England and Wales who have restrictions placed on their freedom has tripled in the last two years," says this article from BBC News.

Better Care Network and ACC International Relief,

This launch webinar provided an introduction to the Transitioning Models of Care Assessment Tool, an assessment framework that assists practitioners to identify and analyze key starting point dynamics and determine the implications for strategy in supporting organisations to transition from an institutional to non-institutional model of care.

Rebecca Nhep and Hannah Won - Better Care Network & Kinnected, an intitiative of ACC International Relief, with support from Changing the Way We Care,

This tool is designed as an assessment framework that assists practitioners to identify and analyze the key starting point dynamics and determine implications for strategy in their work to transition an organization's model of care of children from institutional to a non-institutional model.

Doncel, Hope and Homes for Children, Latin American Network of Care Leavers, UNICEF,

This webinar builds up on the results of the research More Autonomy, More Rights (2020) Coordinated by CSO Doncel, in the representation of the Latin American Network of Care Leavers and supported by UNICEF LACRO and Hope and Homes for Children.

Better Care Network, ACC International Relief, and Changing the Way We Care,

The Better Care Network, ACC International Relief and Changing the Way We Care are delighted to invite practitioners, advocates and organisations who promote and support residential care service transitions to the launch webinar of the Transitioning Care Assessment Tool.

M. Angela Nievar, Suhasini Ramisetty-Mikler, Mahasin F. Saleh, Natasha Cabrera - Children and Youth Services Review,

The Fathers Offering Children Unfailing Support (FOCUS) program serves fathers referred by Child Protective Services and the Attorney General’s Office. The goal of the authors of this paper was to investigate changes in fathers’ report of parenting involvement and fathers’ instrumental support through child support payments through two separate studies of community samples.

The Guardian's Audio Long Reads,

This podcast shares the story of Vişinel Balan, a young man who was placed in a state infant centre in Bacău, Romania in 1987, when he was two months old.

Yanlin Zhou, Nancy Xiaonan Yu, Peiqi Dong & Qiong Zhang - Journal of Happiness Studies,

Informed by the family systems theory and the ecological view of well-being, this study aimed to investigate how grandparent–child dyads show reciprocal associations between relationship quality and subjective well-being (SWB) and the extent to which resilience accounts for such reciprocal associations.