
Displaying 781 - 790 of 14518

International Data Alliance for Children on the Move (IDAC), Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT),

This manual aims to help countries and their national statistical systems to improve the collection, analysis, sharing and use of data on children on the move.


This is the monthly update of the Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Learning Platform published in September 2023. 

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights,

The present report was prepared in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 49/20, requesting the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: to prepare a report on the rights of the child and inclusive social protection, in close co

Transforming Children's Care Collaborative,

Este Informe Temático sobre voluntariado, volunturismo, turismo de orfanatos y tráfico de huérfanos fue elaborado para aportar lineamientos a los Gobiernos, los responsables de políticas y otros responsables de la toma de decisiones. También respalda la implementación de los compromisos internacionales asumidos en el contexto de la Resolución de la Asamblea General de la ONU 2019 sobre los Derechos de los niños y las niñas privados del cuidado parental. Explica de qué modo tomar las medidas apropiadas para abordar y prevenir los daños asociados al voluntariado en orfanatos, el turismo de orfanatos y el volunturismo, y al tráfico de huérfanos vinculado con las actividades anteriores. 

Save the Children International,

The climate crisis is already changing girls’ lives and futures. Save the Children’s analysis shows that between now and 2030, almost 60% of girls - that’s 931 million - will experience at least one extreme weather event, like flooding, drought or heatwaves.

Save the Children International,

The climate crisis is already changing girls’ lives and futures. Girls across Africa are facing growing challenges as the climate crisis increasingly impacts the continent, leading to a range of extreme weather patterns. In southern parts of Africa, girls are enduring devastating cyclones and floods. Meanwhile, the Sahel, Eastern, and Horn of Africa regions - home to the highest rates of child marriage - are grappling with severe droughts. Climate-induced migration is also on the rise in Western, Southern, and Central Africa.

Save the Children International,

This year’s adolescent-friendly Global Girlhood Report explores how the climate crisis impacts girls’ rights. It features new analysis by Save the Children on emergency hotspots where girls face the dual threat of child marriage and climate disasters, and stories of girls advocating for climate action in their communities.

Barbara Steck,

This book addresses the psychosocial complexities of adoption from multiple perspectives, including the biological family, adopted child, and adoptive parents. It highlights the must-have sensitivity and tactfulness for recurring discussions of the adoption situation.

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights,

The OHCHR submitted the first-ever child-friendly report, conducted with over 600+ child participants worldwide. The premise of this report is based on children's right to social support. Most children cannot access social aid and protection and, therefore, cannot access their other rights.

Changing the Way We Care,

This first International Conference on Financing of Family Strengthening and Child Protection Services in the Context of Moldova’s European Union Association Agenda held in Chisinau from 20-21 June 2023 has been a focused discussion between central and local government, non-governmental, private and academic sectors, international experts and organizations, on ensuring adequate public financing for strengthening families and protecting children, and meeting the challenges associated.