
Demographic Data

  • Total Population: 44.86 million
  • Population under 15: 42%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 62 years
  • Human Development Index: 145 out of 188
  • World Bank Status: Lower Middle Income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 5.3%
  • Mean Household Composition: 3.9 members
  • Female-Headed Households: 32%
  • Early Marriage (% of girls married by 15 years): 29%

Sources: World Bank, UNICEF, UNDP HDR 2015, DHS 2014

Displaying 10541 - 10550 of 14393

Abebe Senbeta - Addis Ababa University - The School of Social Work,

This study investigates the effects of Community Care Coalitions on child protection in Assosa City, Ethiopia. It explores services and strategies employed by Community Care Coalitions to address child protection, as well as challenges faced by Community Care Coalitions while attempting to provide these services.

Asnakech Tesfaye - Addis Ababa University - Graduate School of Social Work,

In this research paper Asnakech Tesfaye explores the expectations of Ethiopian children applying for an Australian Orphan Visa.  Tesfaye’s research found children applying for visas expected to get better education, employment, material benefits and living conditions. 

Daniel Mulloy,

The filmmaker Daniel Mulloy has directed a new 20-minute film, entitled ‘Home,’ which is inspired by the current refugee crisis. 

Sara McLean - Australian Institute of Family Studies,

This practice paper from the Australian Institute of Family Studies presents an overview of the research on the impacts of trauma on children’s brain development for children placed in out-of-home care and offers basic principles for responding to children’s trauma. 

Simon Little - iNews 880 AM,

This article from iNews 880 in Canada highlights a recent report from the Ministry of Children and Family Development in British Columbia which found that 36 children in care in the province were housed in hotel rooms between November 2015 and May 2016. 


This post is part of the Better Volunteering Better Care Initiative’s month-long spread of articles aimed at raising awareness around the issues of orphanage volunteering. This post, from Travindy, highlights statements made by travel companies and others in the tourism industry on the subject of orphanage tourism during the BVBC blogging blitz.

Associated Press - Lexington Herald Leader,

The state of Kentucky in the US has implemented a new program for youth aging out of foster care called 'Fostering Success.' The program “places young adults aged 18 to 23 in a 10-week office job at a local branch of the Kentucky Department for Community Based Service,” according to the article. 

Voice of America,

This article from Voice of America presents findings from a recent report based on the experiences of police and charities in Bengaluru city in the southern Indian state of Karnataka. The report sheds light on the multi million rupee industry of child trafficking on India’s streets. 

Kelley Louise - Travel + Social Good,

This post is part of the Better Volunteering Better Care Initiative’s month-long spread of articles aimed at raising awareness around the issues of orphanage volunteering. The post from Travel + Social Good describes some of the voluntourism industry’s “initiatives that are based on good intentions, but can be more detrimental than helpful for local communities.”

Loretta Cotter - Medium,

This post is part of the Better Volunteering Better Care Initiative’s month-long spread of articles aimed at raising awareness around the issues of orphanage volunteering. In this post, the author questions whether unqualified gap year and other volunteers are causing more harm than good.