Demographic Data
Sources: World Bank, UNICEF, UNDP HDR 2015, DHS 2013 |
Displaying 1201 - 1210 of 14555
The dramatic escalation of war in Ukraine in February 2022 has affected every person in the country.
El informe tiene como objetivo promover el uso de estos datos con el propósito de dar más protagonismo a los niños y niñas con discapacidad y de ese modo lograr una conciencia más plena de sus vivencias.
L’objectif du présent rapport est de promouvoir l’utilisation de ces données afin de rendre les enfants handicapés davantage visibles et de mieux comprendre leurs expériences de vie.
تخل جهود نمضالإعاقة يللأطفال ذو جالإدما دصرعملية تلَّطعتلطالما شاملة. غير أنّ السنوات الأخيرةو ٍةقالتنمية بسبب الافتقار إلى بياناتٍ موثو الأدواتوشهدت جهوداً مُجدَّدة كانت ترمي إلى سدّ الثغرات في البيانات. أدَّت إلى زيادةٍ كبيرة في توافر دقلجمع البيانات تَث ِدحُالجديدة التي است رُوْلبت زّالإعاقة، الأمر الذي عز يجودة البيانات المتعلقة بالأطفال ذوو ج المعرفة.اتنالتحليلات الجديدة وساهم في زيادة إ
The report’s objective is to promote the use of these data to make children with disabilities more visible, bringing about a fuller understanding of their life experiences.
Millions of children with disabilities around the globe continue to be left behind, despite the near-universal ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the call for action embedded in the Convention on the Rights of Persons
Children with disabilities and children on the move represent highly diverse populations living in a broad range of circumstances. But as two of the most marginalized groups of children in the world, there is much they have in common, often-times neglected in data collection, policies and programming. This report examines children’s lives when these two identities intersect.
După 60 de ani de activitate în calitate de instituție rezidențială pentru copii cu dizabilități, Școala-Internat Auxiliară Hîncești (SIA Hîncești) din Moldova și-a închis, în cele din urmă, ușile în mai 2022. Închiderea SIA Hîncești și reint
After 60 years of serving as a residential institution for children with disabilities, the Hîncești Auxiliary Boarding school (SIA Hîncești) in Moldova closed its doors to children in May 2022. The closing of Hîncești SIA serves as a harbinger for what is possible for other institutions for children with disabilities in Moldova and around the world.
A leading judge has excoriated the government and Parliament for a six-year failure to address judicial warnings about a chronic shortage of secure care for children “in extreme crisis”.