
Demographic Data

  • Total Population: 173,620,000
  • Population under 15: 46%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 52.5 years
  • Human Development Index: 152 out of 187
  • World Bank Status: Lower Middle Income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 3.2%
  • Mean Household Composition: 4.6 persons
  • Female-Headed Households: 19%
  • Early Marriage (% of children married by 18 years): 49%

Sources: World Bank, UNDP, UNAIDS, DHS 2013

Displaying 2351 - 2360 of 14391

Terry Turner - RetireGuide,

An estimated 2.7 million grandparents in the United States are taking the lead in raising their grandchildren. More than 6.1 million children under 18 live in their grandparents’ households. Focusing on your physical, mental and financial health is critical if you are your grandchild’s primary caregiver.

Dagmar Kutsar, Leena Kurvet-Käosaar,

This articles reflects the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the everyday lives of children and their families in Estonia during lockdown in spring 2020 and 2021. The data corpus is based on diaries compiled by children during the first lockdown in 2020 for a collection at the Estonian Literary Museum, and on a series of semi-structured interviews with children documenting their experiences during lockdown in spring 2021. The study draws on literature from the “new sociology of childhood” and applies Bronfenbrenner’s social ecological model to an analysis of young people’s experiences when their mobility outside the home was restricted, and they were forced to reorganise their time use.

Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice (CYCJ) and the Scottish Child Law Centre,

The Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice (CYCJ) and the Scottish Child Law Centre invite you to the launch of a new guide to ensure the rights of care experienced children and young people in police custody are upheld and respected.


The aim of this conference is to share news, good practice etc. in the field of training and accompanying kinship caregivers.


UNICEF's Data and Analytics section is seeking a consultant to develop a diagnostic toolkit that can be used to assess the capacity of statistical systems to collect, collate, analyse and disseminate administrative data on children living in alternative care.


UNICEF's Data and Analytics section is seeking a consultant to develop a protocol for a qualitative follow-up survey with parents/family of separated children (i.e., those living in residential care) to understand the reasons that led to children’s separation and placement in care.

CELCIS, in partnership with Coram Voice,

CELCIS, in partnership with Coram Voice, is bringing the ‘Bright Spots’ programme, with its two online wellbeing surveys, to Scotland. The pilot will provide local authorities a new opportunity to listen to the voices of their care experienced children and young people to drive local service provision and focus on change where children and young people say it is needed.

The Week,

The U.S. and Canada are starting to face their history of forcing indigenous children into abusive boarding schools. Here's everything you need to know:

What was the school's goal?

Simply put, cultural genocide. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the U.S. government and religious leaders used compulsory boarding schools to force young Native Americans to give up the languages and cultures of their ancestors, which were considered self-evidently inferior to a Christian, Western-style upbringing. Boarding schools were made mandatory for Native American children in 1891. This often meant forced separation from their families and communities. And because these schools were underfunded, crowded, and often unsanitary, thousands of students died of disease. Canada also coerced at least 150,000 indigenous children into a network of residential schools that were mostly run by the Catholic Church; last June, researchers uncovered 1,148 unmarked graves on the grounds of three schools. U.S. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, a member of the Laguna Pueblo people whose maternal grandparents were forced to board, has opened an investigation into America's boarding-school policy. "This attempt to wipe out Native identity, language, and culture," she wrote in a June Washington Post article, has "never been appropriately addressed."

Hope and Homes for Children, Miracle Foundation and Railway Children,

These presentations from Hope and Homes for Children, Miracle Foundation and Railway Children were delivered during the August 20, 2021, workshop of the Care Measurement Task Force of the Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform. The focus of the workshop was child and family outcome measurement.


UNICEF is advertising this individual consultancy for the purpose of putting in place technical guidance note and policy directive in support as well as develop a range of child and family package that will support the family based care of children with disabilities.