
Displaying 11501 - 11510 of 14432


The purpose of this research was to capture more accurate and detailed information regarding children in various forms of alternative care in Thailand, as well as the legal, policy, management and oversight environment surrounding them in order to plan and programme more strategically in the area of alternative care, and simultaneously contribute to the global evidence base for international findings and recommendations on alternative care.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) ,

This guideline covers how organisations, professionals and carers can work together to deliver high quality care, stable placements and nurturing relationships for looked-after children and young people in England. 


This report, first distributed at the seminar co-hosted by Lumos and USAID on the challenge of institutionalization in Haiti, provides some background information on the effects of institutionalisation as well as the particular situation in Haiti.


Ce dixième rapport de l’ONED au Gouvernement et au Parlement comporte une étude portant sur l’état des lieux, les enjeux et les perspectives des schémas départementaux dans le domaine de la protection de l’enfance et poursuit le travail d’estimation du nombre de mineurs et de jeunes majeurs concernés par une mesure de protection de l’enfance, administrative ou judiciaire, au 31 décembre 2012. 


This Compendium is a compilation of the most encouraging initiatives in the area of prevention of child abandonment and relinquishment that have been implemented and tested in the CEE/CIS region.

Family for Every Child ,

In this blog post, Family for Every Child highlights how the earthquake could see a rise in institutional care and calls for anyone supporting the situation in Nepal to prioritise families, not orphanages in relief efforts.

Eric Hartman - ,

In his blog post, Eric Hartman from highlights the efforts of actors in Nepal to discourage post-quake volunteering with vulnerable children, and also gives some guidelines for prospective volunteers on how to choose responsibly when it comes to selecting a volunteer placement.

Robert Mooney, Geary Institute for Public Policy, University College Dublin,

This paper examines the Irish national and international legislation governing asylum systems, provides an overview of the Irish Direct Provision system and suggests a model under which these cases may be analysed across different societal levels.

Norah Covarrubias & Alisa Hartman - National Center for Child Welfare Excellence,

This information packet provides an overview of deportation of family members in families of mixed immigration status in the United States, as it relates to child welfare.


This document reviews UNICEF’s achievements in ensuring children’s protection in the 6 weeks following the devastating earthquakes in Nepal in 2015.