
Displaying 11471 - 11480 of 14432

Carl O'Brien - The Irish Times,

This article from the Irish Times explains that the Council of Europe has ruled that the lack of a clear ban on corporal punishment in Ireland is a violation of children’s rights and the European Social Charter.

Chris Myburgh, Aneesa Moolla, & Marie Poggenpoel - Curationis 38(1),

The aim of this research was to explore and describe the lived experiences of children living on the streets of Hillbrow, Johannesburg, with a focus on children’s mental health and wellbeing.

Hind Farahat & Kristen E Cheney - Global Studies of Childhood,

Using empirical data and interviews with orphans in Jordan, this article investigates how they experience the patriarchy of law, society, and the state.


Francis Ameyibor, GNA UN Special Correspondent - Modern Ghana,

Ghana’s Cabinet has recently approved the 1993 Hague Convention on Protection of Children in Respect of Inter-Country Adoption and amendments to the Children's Act in respect of adoptions, says the article.

The Hindu,

On Wednesday 20 May, 2015 three caretakers from an orphanage (Yathimkhana) run by a religious trust at Nettoor in India were apprehended and taken into custody by railway police at the Ernakulam Town Railway station for suspected attempted trafficking of 29 boys ages eight to 17, who said they were residents of the orphanage.

Annie E. Casey Foundation,

This KIDS COUNT policy report underscores the importance of family-based care and calls for limiting the role of residential treatment care for children in the US

Annie E. Casey Foundation,

This KIDS COUNT policy report highlights the benefits of family care for children and the need to prioritize family settings for all children in the child welfare system in the United States.

Gordon Brown, former UK Prime Minister - The World Post,

In this article for the World Post (a collaboration of the Huffington Post and Berggruen Institute), UK’s former Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, explains the danger of child trafficking that has followed the earthquake in Nepal and calls for the establishment of a humanitarian fund for education in emergencies.

Nina Berglund -,

Norway’s child welfare agency (Barnevernet) has come under recent scrutiny for its practices regarding children of immigrant parents. According to the article, children of immigrant parents make up 40% of foster care placements.

Santilla Chingaipe - SBS World News Radio,

This report from SBS World News Radio highlights recent changes to Haiti’s adoption system in response to increased dangers of child trafficking and exploitation since the 2010 earthquake.