
Displaying 11521 - 11530 of 14432

Michael G. Wessells - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This article examines an alternative approach to child protection which consists of community-driven, bottom-up work that enables nonformal–formal collaboration and alignment, greater use of formal services, internally driven social change, and high levels of community ownership. The article offers a case example of a community-driven program in Sierra Leone.

Andrew Briggs - Towards Belonging: Negotiating New Relationships for Adopted Children and Those in Care,

The ideas and questions raised in this chapter derive from the referrals of children in care or adopted whom the author has seen for psychotherapy.

Jim Walker - Towards Belonging: Negotiating New Relationships for Adopted Children and Those in Care,

This chapter explores the idea of belonging through the lens of attachment theory.

Save the Children,

This video briefly recaps the Africa-Wide Children without Appropriate Care Program Learning Event hosted by Save the Children in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 20-23 April 2015.

National Association of Child and Youth Care Workers, South Africa,

This video provides instruction on the code of ethics and other standards of care for those who work in the field of Child and Youth Care.

SOS Children's Villages Canada ,

SOS Children’s Villages issued a statement, in response to the earthquake in Nepal, urging against the use of international adoption of children from Nepal as a means of responding to the disaster.

Amitava Banerjee, Hindustan Times, Darjeeling,

This article from Hindustan Times highlights the increased rates of, and vulnerability to, trafficking that accompany a natural disaster, such as the earthquake in Nepal.

Christian Alliance for Orphans,

This event is hosted by the Christian Alliance for Orphans. Workshops at this event will include themes specifically designed for pastors, laymen, Christian orphan care non-profits, and individuals looking for more information on orphan care and ministry.

Sheila Wayman - Irish Times,

This article from the Irish Times describes the assessment and training process for prospective foster carers in Ireland, a process which the author says is necessarily rigorous and intrusive in order to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children in foster care.

Debra Kamin - Time,

This article, from Time, describes the efforts of the Israeli government to evacuate babies of Israeli parents - born to surrogate mothers in Nepal - in the aftermath of the recent earthquake.