
Displaying 11561 - 11570 of 14432

Vijay Chavan, Pune Mirror,

The Cabinet minister of women and child development (WCD) is dissatisfied with the progress made on the inquiry into the alleged child marriage racket being run at the Mahila Swikar Kendra orphanage in Baramati, India and has therefore ordered a high-level inquiry into these offenses, says the article.

Joshua Ostroff - Huffington Post Canada ,

Manitoba is trying an unconventional new approach to addressing the current foster care crisis in the aboriginal community, in which many children are being removed from their cultural communities. With this new solution, when a child protection worker is called to investigate a suspected case of child abuse, it is the parents who will be removed from the home, rather than the children.

Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Board (NSCB),

The 'Tackling CSE Toolkit' is designed to assist frontline practitioners working with children in identifying Child Sexual Exploitation and taking appropriate action.

Laura Arnau Sabatés and Robbie Gilligan,

Work is important for promoting social inclusion, especially for marginalised or economically vulnerable populations. There is also evidence that work is associated with stability and social integration for young people who have left care.

Alyssa Jeong Perry - The Guardian ,

Adam Crasper, a man who was adopted from South Korea to the United States in 1979 now faces deportation as he was never naturalized as a US citizen. This article explores his tale in-depth and sheds light on immigration issues related to intercountry adoption.

Jennifer Teska - Cinahl Information Systems, a division of EBSCO Information Services ,

In this “Quick Lesson About Therapeutic Foster Care,” the author provides a description of, and background information on, therapeutic foster care in the United States, an overview of national statistics regarding therapeutic foster care, and an overview of the risk factors and symptoms associated with children in need of therapeutic foster care.


This portfolio review of OVC programming in Uganda focuses on several priority issues, including: (1) targeting case management and referral mechanisms; (2) graduation; (3) links with HIV/AIDS care and treatment partners; and (4) overall coordination amongst implementing partners.

Benjamin Perks - UNICEF Connect ,

In this UNICEF blog post, the author, Benjamin Perks, describes the many detrimental effects of institutionalization on young children and infants. The author highlights the 2012 Call to Action to eradicate placement of children under 3 in large scale institutions in Central Asia and Central and Eastern Europe and the advances made since then in reducing the numbers of children in institutions in the region.


This small research project was conceived to investigate the issues surrounding economic strengthening with Retrak Ethiopia’s reintegration programmes with the aim of seeking new ways to address the challenges.

Christian Alliance for Orphans,

The organizations profiled in these case studies have pioneered effective transitions from residential to family-based care.