
Displaying 7471 - 7480 of 14392

National Family Support Network,

This webinar, hosted by the National Family Support Network, will introduce the Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening & Support. 


UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND (UNICEF) wishes to invite eligible firm to submit a proposal for: Support implementation of the Cambodia PROTECT Strategy through the development of communication materials, and the design and the delivery of a training of trainers (ToT) for the community engagement component.

The Child Protection Research Technical Working Group (RTWG) of the Department of Children Services (DCS),

The Child Protection Research Technical Working Group (RTWG) of the Department of Children Services (DCS) is organizing the 1st International Conference on Child Protection in Africa.

The Economist,

This video from the Economist explores the history of institutionalization in Romania and the efforts now underway to transition to family-based care and small group homes for children.

Susanne Witte, Laura Sophia Miehlbradt, Eric van Santen, Heinz Kindler - National Systems of Child Protection,

This chapter provides an overview of the German child protection system.

Nina Biehal - National Systems of Child Protection,

This chapter presents an analysis of the child protection system in England today.

Ruth Gottfried & Asher Ben-Arieh - National Systems of Child Protection,

This chapter describes the child protection system of Israel.

Mandy Duncan - Participation in Child Protection,

This chapter identifies and examines the field of power inherent in the child protection system which works to constrain and enable children’s participation in child protection interventions.

Andreas Jud & René Knüsel - National Systems of Child Protection,

This chapter aims at providing an overview on legislation, organizational structure and processes of child protection in Switzerland.

Mónica López López, Helen Bouma, Erik J. Knorth, Hans Grietens - National Systems of Child Protection,

This chapter draws on the policy analysis developed for the research project Hestia, which compares policies and responses to child abuse and neglect in England, Germany and the Netherlands.