
Displaying 7481 - 7490 of 14392

Kim Oates - National Systems of Child Protection,

This chapter describes the child protection system in Australia.

Mandy Duncan - Participation in Child Protection,

This chapter, from the book 'Participation in Child Protection,' identifies and critically analyses the dominant discourses that form the ideological conditions of children’s participation in child protection interventions.

Kenneth Burns & Caroline McGregor - National Systems of Child Protection,

This chapter provides an overview of the Irish child protection and welfare system, and examines continuities and discontinuities between the past and the present.

Mandy Duncan - Participation in Child Protection,

The paper presents an original typology of children’s participation in child protection interventions.

Flora Bolter & Gilles Séraphin - National Systems of Child Protection,

This chapter describes the child protection system in France.

Bong Joo Lee - National Systems of Child Protection,

This chapter describes the child protection system in South Korea.

Nico Trocmé, Tonino Esposito, Jennifer Nutton, Valerie Rosser, Barbara Fallon - National Systems of Child Protection,

This chapter describes the child protection system in Canada.

Lisa Merkel-Holguin, John D. Fluke, Richard D. Krugman,

This volume provides a wide spectrum description analysis of the contemporary and well established child protection systems in a range of countries, such as Australia, Canada, Netherlands, Spain and the United States.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network,

Este Seminario en línea ayuda a proveedores, cuidadores primarios y otros involucrados en el cuidado de los niños inmigrantes, a reconocer los efectos de la separación traumática en estos niños a diferentes edades.

Alianza Cristiana para los Huérfanos,

Este informe, producido por la Alianza Cristiana para los Huérfanos, tiene objetivo de presentar las estadísticas relacionadas con los huérfanos para que "defensores cristianos de los huérfanos" logren una comunicación efectiva con humildad, credibilidad e integridad.