
Displaying 7701 - 7710 of 14390

Nomaan Merchant,

This article from AP describes the shelters in the U.S. that are being used to detain immigrants who have crossed int the country from the border with Mexico, many of whom are children separated from their parents.

William Wan - The Washington Post,

This article from the Washington Post highlights the many "catastrophic" developmental and health effects that family separation has on children.

RELAF (la Red Latinoamericana de Acogimiento Familiar),

RELAF (la Red Latinoamericana de Acogimiento Familiar) está buscando un oficial de recaudación de fondos que trabaje en su oficina en México o remotamente. 

Kathleen Daly - Journal of Australian Studies ,

This article reviews Australia's national redress scheme proposed by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and proposes two corrective measures: adopting an inclusive understanding of sexual abuse in closed and open settings, and addressing the negative bias that may result from care leavers’ lower social status as children compared to that of non-care leavers.

Shurlee Swain - Journal of Australian Studies,

This article explores the long history of institutions for children in Australia and of the existence of abuse within them.

Thomas M. Crea, Scott D. Easton, Judith Florio, Richard P. Barth - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The present study investigated: (a) rates of co-occurrence of pre-adoptive child sexual abuse (CSA) and maltreatment among adopted children, and (b) the relative impact of pre-adoptive CSA and maltreatment on externalizing behaviors at 14 years post-adoption.

Abigail Williams-Butler Joseph P. Ryan, Vonnie C. McLoyd, John E. Schulenberg, Pamela E. Davis-Kean - Journal of Child and Family Studies,

This article examines child well-being among African American adolescents in care—a group that is overrepresented within the foster care system. Specific attention is given to relational permanence—the concept of continuous supportive relationships marked by mutual trust and respect.

James Tapper - The Guardian ,

This article from the Guardian describes the increasing fears of EU citizens living in the UK and providing full-time care to family members, who worry that they may be deemed "illegal migrants" and forced to leave the UK and their families.

Changing the Way We Care, CRS,

Catholic Relief Services and the CTWWC consortium is seeking a qualified and dynamic Global Director to lead the CTWWC vision, team, and platform forward over the coming five+ years.

Chinese Women's Association,

Established by the Ee Peng Liang Memorial Fund under the auspices of the NUS Department of Social Work, the Chinese Women’s Association (CWA) graciously supports the Social Service Leaders Exchange Programme to enhance skills and professional development of promising young social work and service leaders in the region to promote philanthropy and social development.