
Displaying 7731 - 7740 of 14390

Stephanie Hunter - Austerity Policies,

This chapter will critically examine the difficulties faced by young people who are looked after by local authorities in accessing mental health services and argue, based on findings of recent Serious Case Reviews that there has never been a more dangerous time to be a looked-after child.

Hanson, Lucy and Henderson, Gillian and Kurlus, Indiya - Child and Family Social Work,

This paper outlines key findings from the first comprehensive study of permanence planning in Scotland.

Sanchia Berg - BBC News,

Speaking at the launch of the care crisis review, a large-scale sector-led inquiry into the UK's care system, senior judge Sir Andrew McFarlane remarked that "it is easier to obtain a care order to take a child away from their family, than for the family to get support," according to this article from BBC News.

National Family Support Network,

This webinar is part of the National Family Support Network's Webinar Wednesday series and will provide an overview of the US nationally-adopted Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening & Support. 

Patrick Butler - The Guardian,

Recent budget cuts to early childhood and youth services will lead to an increased number of children "falling through the gaps" in care, says the children’s commissioner for England, according to this article from the Guardian.

Nour Haydar - ABC News,

A report looking into child protection services in New South Wales, Australia that calls the system "ineffective and unsustainable" has "remained secret" since 2016, according to this article from ABC News.

Sanchia Berg - BBC News,

This article from the BBC shares the findings of recent child protection inquiries, noting that the chances of a child being placed for adoption by the age of five "varies starkly by local authority."

Katie Hyslop | TheTyee.ca,

This article from the Tyee is part 10 of a series which explains how the the Splatsin First Nations indigenous community "fought to gain control, and offer a new model of care for kids and families."


This paper summarises the main concepts behind Childonomics and presents the key findings so far.


UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Specialist in Somalia. Under the general guidance of the Chief, Child protection Section, and the direct supervision of the Child Protection in Emergency Specialist, the Child Protection Specialist will be