
Displaying 7861 - 7870 of 14390

Lisbet Engh, Dr Carolina Jernbro, Dr Ping-I Lin, Professor Carl-Gustaf Bornehag, Dr Ulla-Britt Eriksson - British Journal of School Nursing,

The aim of this research is to examine the relation between school attachment and school achievement and foster care placement.

Alan Carr, Hollie Duff, and Fiona Craddock - Trauma, Violence & Abuse,

The aim of the systematic review described in this article was to determine the outcomes for individuals exposed to severe neglect in congregate care institutions such as orphanages.

Tatiana Eremenko & Amparo González‐Ferrer - Population, Space and Place,

In this paper, the authors examine the reunification patterns of children left‐behind by parents who migrated to France and Spain in order to understand whether children from standard two‐parent families differ in their chances of joining their migrant parents in the destination country compared to children in non‐standard families (single parent and blended families), as well as the potential role of immigration policies on these chances.

Indian Express,

The state government of Kerala, India has issued an order to take over the Janaseva Sisubhavan children's home, "placing the institution and housing of its inmates under the control of the District Collector for a period of three months or till the time the children are reunited with their families or moved to a secure facility, whichever is earlier."

Jessica Dym Bartlett & Berenice Rushovich - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study evaluated the implementation of Trauma-systems Therapy-Foster Care (TST-FC) in two state child welfare agencies that included training for staff and resource parents.

National Commission for Mothers and Children, Lao Statistics Bureau and UNICEF Lao PDR,

This document outlines the priority actions to which the Government of Lao PDR is committed to pursuing in order to tackle violence against children in the country. 

Aunty Sue Blacklock, Jenna Meiksans, Gillian Bonser, Paula Hayden, Karen Menzies, Fiona Arney - Child Abuse Review,

The aim of this study was to evaluate the social and cultural acceptability of the Winangay Tool to practitioners responsible for assessing kinship carers.

Lindsay Stark, Matthew MacFarlane, Beth L Rubenstein, Gary Yu, Celina Jensen, Katharine Williamson - BMJ Global Health,

This study explores findings of a population-based approach to measure the prevalence of unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) during the Hurricane Matthew aftermath in Haiti.

PROMISE Webinar Series – From 0 to Barnahus,

In this webinar, Mr. Guðbrandsson will reflect on the why, the how, and the “what’s next?” of the establishment of the Icelandic Barnahus 20 years ago and its expansion throughout Europe and beyond. 

Dr Jemma Venables & Prof Karen Healy - ,

In this paper, the authors use procedural justice theory as a lens to explore how “intervention with parental agreement” (IPA) policy is enacted in practice.