
Displaying 7851 - 7860 of 14390

Kim Caarls, Karlijn Haagsman, Elisabeth K. Kraus, Valentina Mazzucato - Population, Space and Place,

This paper aims to fill a knowledge gap by comparing transnational and nontransnational African families with parents living in Europe to understand their different family structures.

Rosy Chhabra, Nehama Teitelman, Ellen J. Silver, Jill Raufman, Laurie J. - World Medical & Health Policy,

The researchers in this study conducted formative research on mental health issues and HIV/STI risk behavior in Kasarani, a large slum in Nairobi, to guide the development of future interventions.

Human Rights Watch,

This report documents a range of abuses against children and adults with disabilities in residential institutions in Brazil.

WHO, UNICEF and the World Bank,

The Nurturing Care Framework provides an evidence-based road map for action and outlines how policies and services can support parents, families, other caregivers and communities in providing nurturing care for young children.

María J Fuentes, Isabel M Bernedo, María D Salas, Miguel A García-Martín - International Social Work,

This study analyzes the opinions of foster families and social workers regarding the benefits and problems associated with contact visits.

Daniel Lavelle - The Guardian,

"Fifteen years after leaving the care system, almost everyone I knew then was reluctant to talk. Why had so many of them struggled or fallen off the map?" writes Daniel Lavelle in the Guardian.

María J Fuentes, Isabel M Bernedo, María D Salas, Miguel A García-Martín - International Social Work,

This study analyzes the opinions of foster families and social workers regarding the benefits and problems associated with contact visits.

Australian Associated Press - The Guardian,

New South Wales, Australia will be launching a new program "designed to give children in care a permanent home," according to this article from the Guardian.

Isobel Roe - ABC News,

This radio segment from ABC News Australia examines a current adoption debate in Australia.


The purpose of the consultancy is to assist the Violence against Children team, in the Child Protection Section - UNICEF NYHQ, in various tasks by providing technical expertise and coordination support.