United States of America

Displaying 13121 - 13130 of 14555

Philip Goldman - Maestral International,

This presentation describes the mapping of the child protection system in Eastern and Southern Africa.

Permanency Planning for Children Department, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges,

This process evaluation of the King County Parents for Parents Program (P4P) examines the program’s efficacy and suggests areas for continued improvement.

Save the Children,

This report provides the initial findings of a Child Protection Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) Study commissioned by Save the Children (SC) as part of the project “Educating and Protecting Vulnerable Children in Family Settings in Liberia” (2010-2014).

ONED et INSET Angers,

Rendez-vous annuel des cadres des conseils généraux sur les questions de prévention et de protection de l’enfance, ce séminaire est le 4e co-organisé entre l’ONED et l’INSET d’Angers. L’objectif est d’offrir aux cadres des départements un espace pour approfondir une thématique importante pour leur mission de protection de l’enfance, en articulation avec la question du management des équipes.

Agence Francaise de Developpement et Samu Social International ,

Lié à l’exode rural massif, à la perte des liens sociaux traditionnels, aux mutations de la famille et au développement anarchique de l’espace urbain, le phénomène des enfants des rues constitue un des marqueurs important des transformations sociales et sociétales actuelles. Il interroge sur la place faite par nos institutions de développement et d’assistance aux groupes de population qui restent en marge des efforts nationaux et internationaux de développement économique et social. 

Republic of Liberia,

The objective of this Law shall be to facilitate the respect, protection, promotion, and provision of the realization of child rights in order to make maximum contribution to the survival, development, participation, and protection of every child in Liberia.

The Ministry of Gender, Children, and Community Development of Malawi; Centre for Social Research (CSR) of the University of Malawi; UNICEF Malawi,

This study commissioned by the Ministry of Gender, Children, and Community Development and financially and technically supported by UNICEF and the Better Care Network, describes the situation of children in institutional care in Malawi.

Emily R. Munro, John Pinkerton, Philip Mendes, Georgia Hyde-Dryden, Maria Herczog, Rami Benbenishty - Children and Youth Services Review,

The paper explores how the UNCRC reporting process, and guidelines from the Committee outlining how States should promote the rights of young people making the transition from care to adulthood, can be used as an instrument to track global patterns of change in policy and practice. 

Congressional Coalition for Adoption ,

Released by a group of former United States foster youth as a comprehensive report on the system in which they were raised, this report details the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute’s (CCAI) Foster Youth Internship (FYI) recommendations on improving hot-button issues ranging from immigration, education, mentoring, psychotropic drugs, child abuse and government accountability

Ruth V Reed, Dr Mina Fazel, Lynne Jones, Prof Catherine Panter-Brick, and Prof Alan Stein,

This study involved a systematic review of individual, family, community and social risk and protective factors for the mental health of children and adolescents who were forcibly displaced to high-income countries.