Child Abuse and Neglect

Child abuse includes all forms of physical and emotional mistreatment, sexual abuse, and neglect of a child’s basic needs, which results in actual or potential harm to a child’s physical, mental, and emotional health. Exploitation of children is also a form of abuse and includes trafficking for sexual or economic purposes, and recruitment of children into armed forces.

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Charles Nelson, Nathan Fox, Charles Zeanah, Dana Johnson,

A powerpoint presentation on the research findings of the Bucharest Early Intervention Project team. Includes comparisons of children raised in institutional care, vs. children placed in foster care, vs. children raised in the community.


Outlines how to strengthen social protection, legal protection, and alternative care for children at country level. Contains specific actions that governments and NGO's can take to decrease the vulnerability of children affected by AIDS and respond to instances of abuse, exploitation and neglect.

Human Rights Watch,

For street children in Hanoi, Vietnam is falling far short of its obligations under Vietnamese and international law, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Human Rights Watch,

This report details the conditions of children held at an unofficial detention center in Kigali, Rwanda, held in overcrowded buildings and suffering from a lack of adequate food, water, and medical care, and subjected to abuse. 

Stephanie Delaney, ECPAT International,

A practical guide for local and communtiy based organizations about how to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation in disaster and emergency situations.

International Labor Organization IPEC and PRO 169,

Guidelines to address the specific needs and rights of indigenous children in the context of child labour. Includes a comprehensive list of follow-up resources.

United Nations Secretary General's Study on Violence Against Children ,

This is a chapter from the United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence Against Children that specifically explores the factors contributing to violence against children in institutional care and justice institutions. This chapter includes sections on the sources of violence against children in institutional care, the impact of institutional care on children’s health and development, and the populations of children most likely to become institutionalized.

Save the Children ,

Save the Children’s response to the UN Secretary General’s Study on Violence Against Children. It outlines the key steps required by governments towards ending all forms of violence against children.

Save the Children UK South Africa Programme,

Reviews legal and policy frameworks for the protection of OVC rights in 10 Southern African countries. Includes key concerns and recommendations. Appendix includes country-specific details of National Policies on Orphans and Vulnerable Children and National Plans of Action.

International Social Service and International Reference Center for the Rights of Children Deprived of their Family (ISS/IRC),

A brief 2-page document that highlights the importance of child participation, post care planning, guarding against abuse, and connecting residential institutions with the surrounding community.