Child Abuse and Neglect

Child abuse includes all forms of physical and emotional mistreatment, sexual abuse, and neglect of a child’s basic needs, which results in actual or potential harm to a child’s physical, mental, and emotional health. Exploitation of children is also a form of abuse and includes trafficking for sexual or economic purposes, and recruitment of children into armed forces.

Displaying 961 - 970 of 1067

Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group,

This Advocacy Package explains what the IASC guidelines are and how they are to be used, highlights the key campaigning activities, key messages for communities, donors, UN Agencies and Non-Governmental organisations, clarifies terminology and provide ideas for country level implementation.

Save the Children ,

This situational analysis was commissioned by the Child Protection Initiative as a preliminary exercise to develop evidence-based recommendations to guide Save the Children in the Philippines to develop interventions. Priority areas are children in residential care, children in armed conflict and disasters, children in situations of migration (including for trafficking purposes), and children in exploitative and hazardous work conditions.

World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank,

The first ever World report on disability, produced jointly by WHO and the World Bank, suggests that more than a billion people in the world today experience disability. This report provides the best available evidence about what works to overcome barriers to health care, rehabilitation, education, employment, and support services, and to create the environments which will enable people with disabilities to flourish. The report ends with a concrete set of recommended actions for governments and their partners.

Asian Center for Human Rights,

A fact-finding report on the fleeing of juveniles from the Government Observation Home, Special Home and Children’s Home (Combined) for Boys at Berhampur under Ganjam District of Orissa on 21-22 September 2010


This compilation provides policymakers, programme managers, non-governmental organizations and others interested in implementing family skills training programmes with a review of existing evidence-based family skills training programmes. Its purpose is to provide details of the content of such programmes, the groups targeted, the materials used and the training implemented, in order to assist users in selecting the programme best suited to their needs and to offer guidance as to the kind of programmes available.


This paper aims to show different organisations, institutions, governments and civil society the reality facing thousands of children in Latin America. This information can be used as a tool for debating and prioritising the issue as well as promoting constructing good practices and public policies that will improve the wellbeing and chances to develop of children without parental care and/or who are at risk of losing

BCN Secretariat ,

In June 2010, the Committee on the Rights of the Child issued its Concluding Observations to countries reviewed during the Committee's 54th session. This brief summarizes the UNCRC observations regarding alternative care.

Andy Bilson ,

This report looks at children who enter institutional care because of being without parental care, children with disabilities, child victims of abuse and children in conflict with the law. The aim is to identify key routes through the systems in order to understand the nature of the difficulties that lead children to be placed in institutions and thereby to be able to identify alternative strategies that will better support families and children.

RELAF and SOS Children’s Villages International,

This paper is based on The Latin American Report: The situation of children in Latin America without parental care or at risk of losing it. Contexts, causes and responses, which was prepared using reports from 13 countries in the region. The paper gives an overview of the state of one of the most fundamental rights - the right to parental care, a keystone for the right to live in a family and a community.

Human Rights Watch ,

Human Rights Watch report on the illicit practices of forced child begging and other abuses perpetrated against children in residential Quranic schools. Includes recommendations to government entities on action needed to reverse abuse and neglect of children in these situations.