Children Affected by Armed Conflict and Displacement

Children are especially vulnerable to the effects of war, and frequently represent at least half of the population in a conflict area. They suffer fear and insecurity, and disruption to every aspect of their lives. Children who have been displaced are at an increased risk of sexual and physical violence, disease and malnutrition, and separation from family members. As displaced persons or refugees they may experience severe poverty, abuse, exploitation, and psychosocial distress. 

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Zuilkowski S.S., Collet K, Jambai M., Akinsulure-Smith A.M., Betancourt T.S.,

In Sierra Leone, as in conflict and postconflict settings around the world, youth are coping with their exposure to violence during conflict as well as the poverty and displacement that follow war and the stigma that can persist long after involvement with armed groups has ended.

Alfonso Montero -- The Guardian,

This article from the Guardian sets forth the challanges EU countries face in providing social services for asylum seeking children.


This article discusses the major population displacement that unfolded in Africa’s Lake Chad Basin.

UNICEF Office of Research- Innocenti Centre,

An estimated 50 million children are on the move in the world today. Millions more have been deeply affected by migration. The need for solid evidence to develop better policies on child migration has never been greater.

Kohrt, Brandon A.; Yang, Minyoung; Rai, Sauharda; Bhardwaj, Anvita; Tol, Wietse A.; Jordans, Mark J. D. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, Vol 22(3),

This study identifies risk factors for voluntarily joining armed groups, as well as to test association of conscription status and mental health.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Michael G. Wessells - Understanding Peace and Conflict Through Social Identity Theory, Part of the series Peace Psychology Book Series ,

This chapter analyses how social identity influences children’s recruitment into armed conflict and their reintegration. 

Daniel Mulloy,

The filmmaker Daniel Mulloy has directed a new 20-minute film, entitled ‘Home,’ which is inspired by the current refugee crisis. 

United Nations Secretary General, A/70/59,

This report by the UN Secretary General provides background and recommendations in preparation for the high -level plenary meeting on addressing large movements of refugees and migrants, to be held on 19 September 2016.

Human Rights Watch,

Human Rights Watch conducted research throughout Mexico and Honduras in 2015 to examine how Mexico is applying national and international law in its treatment of Central American migrants, particularly children.