Children Affected by Poverty and Social Exclusion

Around the world, poverty and social exclusion are driving factors behind the placement of children into alternative care.  Families give up their children because they are too poor to care for them, or they feel that it is the best way to help them to access basic services such as education and health care. Discrimination and cultural taboos mean that girls, children with disabilities, ethnic minorities, children with HIV/AIDS and children born out of wedlock, make up a disproportionate number of children abandoned into alternative care.

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Kelley Bunkers, Amanda Cox, Sarah Gesiriech, and Kerry Olson, Faith to Action Initiative,

El presente resumen de investigaciones se ofrece a iglesias, organizaciones religiosas y personas de fe que buscan información basada en pruebas sobre la mejor manera de cuidar a huérfanos y niños separados del cuidado parental.

Kelley Bunkers, Amanda Cox, Sarah Gesiriech, and Kerry Olson, Faith to Action Initiative,

This Summary of Research provides a concise overview of a range of studies and findings that can inform approaches to caring for children who, through orphanhood, abandonment, or other causes, have been separated from parental care.

Permanent Bureau, Hague Conference on International Private Law,

To address the issues related to the financial aspects of intercountry adoptions, the Hague Convention initiated an Experts’ Group, which met in October 2012 and produced nine Conclusions and Recommendations, which they brought to the Permanent Bureau to publish as a “Note”.

Irwanto & Santi Kusumaningrum, Center on Child Protection University of Indonesia PUSKAPA UI ,

This report presents analysis and key findings from a study aimed at fully understanding the situations of children in Indonesia that may lead to family separation.

Family For Every Child, Corinna Csaky,

This report highlights the needs of children without adequate family care, the impact inadequate care on children and society, and why family care is important. In this report, Family for Every Child also issues several recommendations for those in all sectors of society and an example of care reform from Brazil. 

Keetie Roelen & Helen Shelmerdine from the Centre for Social Protection (CSP) with support from Emily Delap from Family for Every Child and Stephen Devereux from the CSP at IDS. ,

This report features the results of, and recommendations based on, a study conducted in Rwanda which investigates the links between the cash transfer program “Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme (VUP),” child well-being, and children’s care and family reunification.

Future of Children Volume 24 Number 1 Spring 2014 - Princeton-Brookings,

This issue of the US-based journal Future of Children, entitled ‘Helping Parents, Helping Children: Two-Generation Mechanisms,’ reviews intervention programs for children and families of low socioeconomic status and on the mechanisms of child development that those intervention programs are trying to influence.

Human Rights Watch,

In March 2013, a fire erupted in the Dakar neighborhood of Medina and a Quranic boarding school, housed in a makeshift shack caught on fire.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as part of its examination of Paraguay's initial report adopted by the Committee at its ninth session, as well as other care-related concluding observations, ratification dates, and links to the Universal Periodic Review and Hague Intercountry Adoption Country Profile.

Victoria Schmidt and Jo Daugherty Bailey,

Despite the development of alternative forms of care, international and domestic pressures for change, and over 20 years of efforts at deinstitutionalization, the Czech Republic has one of the highest rates of institutionalization of children in E