Children and Migration

Millions of children around the world are affected by migration.  This includes girls and boys who migrate within and between countries (usually with their families but sometimes on their own), as well as children ‘left behind’ when their parents or caregivers migrate in search of economic opportunities.  Be it forced or voluntary, by adults or children, migration affects children’s care situations and can entail risks to their protection.

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Norwegian Refugee Council/ The Camp Management Project ,

A guide for camp management agencies that provides instruction on the care and protection of all children (under 18), as well as those with specific needs, such as unaccompanied and separated children, child heads of households, children formerly associated with armed forces, and out-of-school and unemployed adolescents and youth.

Simon Bagshaw and Diane Paul,

Report of a field-based study of international protection for internally displaced persons. Presents conclusions and recommendations for policy.

Andy West,

Examines the emergence of children living and working on the streets in China. Disaggregates 'street children' as a phenomenon by outlining the underlying causes for their situations. Compares adult perceptions of 'street children' with the children's own perspectives.

Consortium for Street Children and University College Cork, Ireland,

Presents case studies of interventions aimed at preventing street migration. Some emphasis on methods for identifying high-risk groups.

Apt, N.A. and M. Grieco - RESPONSE and UNICEF, Social Administration, Centre for Policy Studies, University of Ghana,

The sections featured in this report provide case studies of 25 street girls and discussion and conclusions based on these case studies.

This report is based on research in the French Department of Hautes-Alpes between January and July 2019 in which Human Rights Watch researchers interviewed fifty-nine boys, one girl, and one adult man who had recently turned 18, all of whom had migrated to France unaccompanied.

Albertine Baauw, Joana Kist-van Holthe, Bridget Slattery, Martijn Heymans, Mai Chinapaw, Hans van Goudoever - BMJ Paediatrics Open,

The authors of this article aimed to perform a systematic review of the literature to describe the health status of refugee children on entering reception countries in Europe.

This documentary chronicles a Honduran family’s struggle to reunite after being separated at the U.S.-Mexico border three years earlier under the Trump administration’s immigration policies.