Children and Migration

Millions of children around the world are affected by migration.  This includes girls and boys who migrate within and between countries (usually with their families but sometimes on their own), as well as children ‘left behind’ when their parents or caregivers migrate in search of economic opportunities.  Be it forced or voluntary, by adults or children, migration affects children’s care situations and can entail risks to their protection.

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Alberto Celesia, Alejandro Morlachetti, Matilde Luna - RELAF, Save the Children, and UNICEF,

Este informe está dirigido a sintetizar conceptos fundamentales y normas relativos a la protección de los derechos de los niños migrantes y adolescentes en el Triángulo Norte de Centroamérica.

Pr Anne-Marie Moulin - Directeur de recherche CNRS UMR,

Rapport de capitalisation sur le volet médicosocial du projet « Tamkine-Migrants » 2011 – 2014 d’appui à la prise en charge de femmes migrantes enceintes et de leurs enfants.


Alberto Celesia, Alejandro Morlachetti, Matilde Luna - RELAF,

El impacto de la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño (CDN) ha sido muy importante: es el tratado de derechos humanos que goza de mayor aceptación y reconocimiento internacional, con 194 ratificaciones por parte de los Estados y cercano a la ratificación universal.

Department for Education, UK ,

This guidance sets out the steps local authorities should take to plan for the provision of support for looked after children who are unaccompanied asylum seeking children and child victims of trafficking.

Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce,

This report by the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce identifies problems with and makes recommendations for improvement of the current system of guardianship and care of unaccompanied children in Australia, which is inequitable and lacking in transparency and accountability. 


This policy brief provides an overview of research from 2002-2006 on whether children in Zimbabwe who recently migrated were at increased risk of dropping out of school, including research questions, findings, and conclusions.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child as part of its examination of the third and fourth periodic reports of Indonesia (CRC/C/IND/CO/3-4) during its 65th Session at its 1890th and 1891st meetings held on 5 June 2014, and adopted, at its 1901st meeting, held on 13 June 2014.

Elisabeth Backe-Hansen, Ingrid Højer, Yvonne Sjöblom, Jan Storø,

This article provides an overview of the current situation in the out-of-home care in Norway and Sweden. Development in later years is described and discussed, including the trends towards privatization of the welfare system in both countries and the role of private, commercial actors within the care sector including out-of-home care for children and young people.

Luis H. Zayas and Mollie H. Bradlee,

Deportation of immigrant, undocumented parents of citizen-children born in the United States is a practice that has caused the separation of families and a variety of negative effects on the children.


This report, issued by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, examines the situation and needs of unaccompanied children who emigrate from Central America and Mexico to the United States, and offers recommendations based on those needs.