Child Participation

Children have the right to participate in matters affecting their lives and should be enabled to give their opinions, and to have those opinions taken into account. Through participation, children learn self-expression, empowerment and ultimately greater self-esteem.  Children are a diverse group and therefore children of different ages, abilities, backgrounds, races, and both genders should ideally be included in a consultation process.

Displaying 151 - 160 of 350

Mandy Duncan - Participation in Child Protection,

This chapter, from the book 'Participation in Child Protection,' identifies and critically analyses the dominant discourses that form the ideological conditions of children’s participation in child protection interventions.

Mandy Duncan - Participation in Child Protection,

This chapter identifies and examines the field of power inherent in the child protection system which works to constrain and enable children’s participation in child protection interventions.

Mandy Duncan - Participation in Child Protection,

The paper presents an original typology of children’s participation in child protection interventions.

Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI),

CCAI’s Foster Youth Internship Program® is a highly esteemed congressional internship for young adults who spent their formative years in the U.S. foster care system. In this annual policy report, the interns focus on subjects they are personally passionate about due to their experiences and understanding after living in foster care and make personal recommendations for improving the U.S. foster care system.

Paulo Delgado, Vânia S. Pinto, João M.S. Carvalho, Robbie Gilligan - Child & Family Social Work,

This is a pilot study on the sensitive issue of how children and young people experience family contact in foster care, and the views of key adults in their lives on the same issue.

UNICEF Innocenti, Columbia University & Lancet Commission on Adolescent Health and Wellbeing,

Developed with Columbia University and experts from the Lancet Commission on Adolescent Health and Wellbeing this series of briefs from UNICEF Innocenti provides a much needed review of contemporary research methodologies for adolescent well-being in low- and middle-income countries.

Helen Bouma, Mónica López López, Erik J .Knorth, Hans Grietens - Child Abuse & Neglect,

In this study, the participation of children in the Dutch child protection system (CPS) under the new Youth Act 2015 is critically analyzed.

Gissele Damiani-Taraba, Iona Sky, Dakota Hegler, Nicholas Woolridge, Blake Anderson & Andrew Koster - Child & Youth Services ,

This paper presents the results from a Youth Lead Project on the voices and participation of children in state care in Ontario Canada.

Ainoa Mateos Inchaurrondo, Nuria Fuentes‐Peláez, Crescencia Pastor Vicente, Anna Mundet Bolós - Child & Family Social Work,

The quantitative study presented here contributes knowledge regarding the attitude of professionals towards positive parenting and child participation in professional support of families that are under temporary protection, with the goal of reunification.

Ainoa Mateos Inchaurrondo PhD, Nuria Fuentes-Peláez PhD, Crescencia Pastor Vicente PhD, Anna Mundet Bolós PhD - Child & Family Social Work,

This quantitative study contributes knowledge regarding the attitude of professionals towards positive parenting and child participation.