Displaying 951 - 960 of 962
This report reviews childcare policy for separated children in the Central Europe and the Balkan States. It emphasizes the need to establish training, resources and effective procedures in order to meet the standards outlined in the Statement of Good Practice. Data from Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia is presented.
A paper describing a program developed by the IRC in Rwanda for orphans and vulnerable children and youth with a particular focus on minimizing placement of children into centers and finding durable solutions for those already in institutions. The paper discusses IRC’s strategies, and the different components of the program, evaluates the program in the context of Rwanda and offers recommendations to those interested in emulating IRC’s Rwanda program.
Outlines national efforts to disarm, demobilize, and reintegrate former child soldiers with respect to specific political contexts. Includes lessons learned, future challenges, and recommendations.
This paper presents the results of an audit to evaluate the efficacy of the central database designed to facilitate the reunification of unaccompanied children in Rwanda with their families.
A set of 3 checklists suggesting interview questions for appropriately assessing whether reunification of a child with his or her family is possible.
Esta página de Doncel presenta una panorama general de la "Ley de Egreso" que establece nuevos derechos para jóvenes sin cuidados parentales en Argentina.
This study details the journey of the Orphan and Destitute Youth in Aftercare Programme in Maharashtra, India. The study was conducted with the orphan youth who left the Seven Aftercare programmes both from Government and NGO-run Aftercare programme. It has discussed their challenges, experiences and support given during and post aftercare while orphan youth started their independent life.
This Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) provides an overview of the necessary elements to safely transition children from institutions to families and family-like care settings.
This report analyses 1,804 care leaver responses collected in 21 English local authorities between 2017 and 2019.