Data and Monitoring Tools

Monitoring and research are essential processes in ensuring the relevance and effectiveness of programs, and the scope and type of service provision. They are integral components of analysis, strategic planning, and implementation for government and non-governmental organisations seeking to effect change, support or provide services.

Displaying 191 - 200 of 557

David Kaawa-Mafigiri & Eddy Walakira - Makerere University Dept. of Social Work and Social Administration; Child Maltreatment: Contemporary Issues in Research and Policy,

Bringing together cross-disciplinary expertise, this volume addresses a vast range of topics related to child abuse and neglect in Uganda.  

Lindsay Stark, Beth L Rubenstein, Kimchoeun Pak, Sok Kosal - BMJ Open,

The primary objective of this study was to collect baseline data on the number of children living in residential care institutions in Cambodia.

Dinithi Wijedasa - Hadley Centre for Adoption & Foster Care Studies, University of Bristol ,

This briefing paper, which is the third in a series, provides a brief overview of the characteristics of the children growing up with relatives in Scotland.

Garazi Zulaika and Florence Martin - Better Care Network,

This country brief is part of a series that aims to provide an analysis of children’s living and care arrangements according to the latest available data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) or Multiple Indicators Cluster Surveys (MICS) at the time of publication.

Biryukova Svetlana & Sinyavskaya Oxana - Journal of Social Policy Studies,

The paper presents a detailed analysis of the Russian official statistics for orphans and children placed out of parental care. 

Paul Adams - CoramBAAF,

Undertaking a connected person / family and friends assessment is designed to help social workers to manage and complete a comprehensive and evidence-based assessment of connected people / family and friends who wish to foster or be special guardians to a known child or children.

Garazi Zulaika and Florence Martin - Better Care Network,

This series of country briefs aims to provide an analysis of children’s living and care arrangements according to the latest available data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) or Multiple Indicators Cluster Surveys (MICS) at the time of publication. 

Manuela Sofia Stănculescu (main author), Vlad Grigoraș, Monica Marin, Cătălina Iamandi-Cioinaru, Emil Teșliuc, Georgiana Blaj (Neculau), Bogdan Corad, VoichiŃa Pop, Andreea Trocea - The World Bank and UNICEF,

This book presents the results of this research on more than 52,000 children placed in public care in Romania (in special protection) who receive family or residential-type protection services as well as on the children at risk of separation from their families from the source communities.

Gillian Huebner - SOS Children's Villages ,

This briefing describes how the needs of children without parental care can be addressed through five of the SDGs: no poverty (1); quality education (4); decent work and economic growth (8); reduced inequalities (10); and peace, justice and strong institutions (16).

Dinithi Wijedasa - Hadley Centre for Adoption & Foster Care Studies, University of Bristol ,

This briefing paper, which is the second in a series, provides a brief overview of the characteristics of the children growing up with relatives in Wales.