Social Protection Policies and Programmes

Poverty affects both the quality and length of children’s lives, reduces the ability of families to adequately provide for their children, and is a significant cause of family breakdown and child separation. Social assistance programmes aim to reduce child poverty and act as a safety net for families with minimal resources.

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Micky Anderson, Joanna Soraghan, Adrian Bowman, Carol Ann Anderson, Emma Young, Alex McTier, Heather Ottaway - CELCIS,

Mapping integration and outcomes in Scotland: A statistical analysis investigated if the most recent major structural reform of health and social care services to take place in Scotland has had an impact on outcomes for children, young people and families.

Robert Porter, Emma Young, Jane Scott, Leanne McIver, Kate Mackinnon, Nadine Fowler, Heather Ottaway - CELCIS,

Strand 1: Rapid Evidence Review reviewed existing published national and international research evidence focused on better understanding the evidence associated with different models of integration of children’s services with health and/or adult social care services in high income countries, as defined by the World Bank.

Alexander McTier, Kate Mackinnon, Heather Ottaway - CELCIS,

Case studies of transformational reform programmes examined a range of approaches to the delivery of children’s services to better understand the evidence regarding systems-level integration between children’s social work/social care with health services and/or adult social care.

Transforming Children's Care Collaborative,

This learning event was an opportunity for care reform advocates and practitioners to learn more about social protection – as well as economic strengthening interventions - from researchers and practitioners in the field.

ODI, in partnership with UNICEF and with funding from the Kingdom of the Netherlands,

Authored by the ODI in partnership with UNICEF, this paper assesses the benefits of inclusive social protection from a displacement and child-centred perspective.

Judith Harwin, Lily Golding,

This UK Department for Education report charts the experiences and views of parents in the UK whose children were made subject to a supervision order or a care order at home at the end of care proceedings.

Natasha Bogoevska, Suzana Bornarova, Sofija Georgievska,

This article reviews the key reform processes in the domain of social protection in the the Republic of North Macedonia, with a focus on social services for children without parents and parental care.

Scottish Parliament's Education, Children and Young People Committee,

In their Stage 1 Report published on 19 December, the Scottish Parliament's Education, Children and Young People Committee warned that plans to integrate children's services into the National Care Service lack vital information; it is not currently possible to have a clear view on whether children’s services should be included under a National Care Service; and urged the government to provide more details on the financial implications.

Heather Taussig, Michelle R. Munson ,

In this U.S.-based study, over 200 pre-adolescent children recently placed into out-of-home care were asked about the difficulty and helpfulness of placement and how their lives might be different had they not been removed. The same participants were interviewed 10 years later.

Karen Codazzi Pereira, Fernando Araújo, International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) ,

This research report, developed by the IPC-IG and the UNICEF MENA Regional Office for Middle East and North Africa, presents five case studies that demonstrate how integrated social protection and child protection systems enhance efficiency, especially of the social service workforce, and improve socio-economic and child outcomes: Tunisia, Morocco, Iraq, Egypt, and Brazil.