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The goal of this study was to improve the understanding of current children’s services structures and delivery models in Scotland and how services can best support the needs of children, young people and their families. The research looked at how services are provided and configured in Scotland and drew on a range of international evidence too.
This report examines the evolution of social service workforce strengthening in the light of the three core pillars of the Social Service Workforce Strengthening Framework: planning, developing and supporting. It identifies significant progress and accomplishments that have been made to strengthen the social service workforce at the global level as well as in three specific countries: Romania, Uganda and Viet Nam.
This paper discusses the role of social workers and community volunteers in providing services to foster care children living with HIV in South Africa.
This report explores, through responses to an online survey, interviews and focus groups, the opportunities, challenges, barriers and facilitators that members of the workforce identify as factors which bring about high quality experiences and outcomes for children, young people and families using services; close multi-agency working between practitioners across different services; continuity of support when young people transition to adult services; high quality support for the workforce and transformational change in services.
To commemorate their 10th anniversary as an Alliance, this year’s Symposium took place on October 26, 2023, and offered a retrospective view of the Cape Town conference and the impact it achieved, both in the participating countries and globally. Then, through a deep dive into the experiences of three other countries— Romania, Rwanda and Viet Nam—it will explore the different ways countries have made progress in strengthening their workforce over the past decade and will highlight the continuing and emerging challenges facing the workforce in each country.
The Unaccompanied and Separated Children Training of Trainers (UASC TOT) course is designed to prepare participants to facilitate training on unaccompanied and separated children (UASC). This training reinforces participants’ understanding of the specific needs of UASC, highlight good practice in working with unaccompanied and separated children under a protection framework, and provide participants the opportunity to apply learning so they can roll out training on UASC within their own organisation and to other stakeholders.
La presente sintesi del briefing “Costruire la resilienza dei servizi sociali attraverso la gestione della domanda” viene pubblicata a conclusione della riunione annuale 2023 del Gruppo di lavoro “Trasformazione e resilienza dei servizi sociali” d
The demand for social care, support, and protection is rapidly increasing across Europe, driven by a variety of factors, such as demographic changes and increasing inequalities. This briefing from the European Social Network (ESN) examines this critical issue and identifies solutions to manage demand for social services, to plan and allocate their resources, both human and financial, to deliver high-quality outcomes that are tailored to the actual needs of persons seeking support.
Niniejsze streszczenie sprawozdania pt. “Budowanie odporności w usługach społecznych poprzez zarządzanie popytem” publikowane jest jako wynik dorocznego spotkania grupy roboczej ds.
This is the Executive Summary of the briefing ‘Building resilience in social services by managing demand’ published as an output of the 2023 annual meeting of the European Social Network ‘Social Services Transformation and Resilience’ Working Grou