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This guide provides professionals in the UK with information about registering as a children’s social care provider. It helps those considering registration to decide whether to apply and what processes their applications will go through before a decision is made as to their suitability to be registered.
The state cabinet of Goa in India has approved a foster care scheme to assist children deprived of parental care or of the care of guardians, and in need of protection. These government guidelines set out the purpose of the scheme, criteria for eligibility and procedures to be followed, including the relevant forms.
This report describes the process, findings and recommendations of the baseline survey for the project titled, “Building and Strengthening Community-Based Child Protection Systems in Busoga and Acholi sub-regions” commissioned by ANPPCAN. The baseline survey was intended to establish the status of project indicators so that the information obtained can inform the implementation of project activities.
In its 2013 State of the World’s Children Report, UNICEF has chosen to highlight the particular issues, needs, and circumstances of children with disabilities worldwide. The report includes a description of the common issues that children with disabilities face, models for inclusive policy and practice, and an agenda for action moving forward.
Representatives from International Social Service, Save the Children, and SOS Children’s Villages met with the African Committee on Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child during its 21st session on 15 April, 2013 to present on the international Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children (UNGA resolution A/RES/64/142) and its new implementation Handbook “Moving Forward.”
Statement by Ms. Regina Maria Cordeiro Deputy Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations on the occasion of the launch of the handbook ‘Moving Forward: Implementing the ‘Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children’ at UNICEF House in New York on the 11th April 2013
Statement by Ms. Jennifer Davidson, CELCIS & co-author of the Handbook on the occasion of the launch of the handbook ‘Moving Forward: Implementing the ‘Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children’ at UNICEF House in New York on the 11th April 2013.
Statement by Ms.Cecilia Anicama, representing the office on behalf of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General on Violence against Children on the occasion of the launch of the handbook ‘Moving Forward: Implementing the ‘Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children’ at UNICEF House in New York on the 11th April 2013.
This country care review includes the Concluding Observations for the Committee on the Rights of the Child adopted as part of its examination of Andorra's second periodic report at the 61st Session of the Committee held between 17 September and 5 October, 2012, as well as other care-related concluding observations, ratification dates, and links to the Universal Periodic Review and Hague Intercountry Adoption Country Profile.
This training manual has been developed with the aim of enhancing the capacity of Charitable Children Institutions (CCIs) in providing services to children under their care.