Adoption and Kafala

Adoption is the formal, permanent transfer of parental rights to a family other than a child’s own and the formal assumption by that family of all parenting duties for the child. Where a child’s parents are living and their parental rights have not been terminated, they must provide informed consent for adoption. In some countries it is not culturally acceptable to give the parental rights to a non-family member, and therefore alternative long-term care options must be pursued e.g. kinship care. In some Islamic countries, the term ‘Kafala’ in Islamic law is used to describe a situation similar to adoption, but without the severing of family ties, the transference of inheritance rights, or the change of the child’s family name.   


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Nicole B. Perry, Carrie E. DePasquale, Philip H. Fisher, Megan R. Gunnar - Child Maltreatment,

The current study compared behavioral and adrenocortical functioning of maltreated and comparably aged (1.5–3 years) institutionally-reared children soon after (1.5–2.5 months) placement in foster care or adoptive homes, respectively.

Carmen Paniagua, Jesús Palacios, Jesús M. Jiménez‐Morago - Child & Family Social Work,

The aim of this article is to analyse the specific factors which influence adoption breakdown by comparing cases of adoption breakdown which occurred prior to the onset of adolescence with those occurring after the beginning of this developmental stage.

Anders Hjern, Bo Vinnerljung, Lars Brännström - Developmental Child Welfare,

To inform decisions about permanent care arrangements, the authors of this study used Swedish national population registers to create a sibling population consisting of 194 children born 1973–1982 who had been in out-of-home care (OHC) at least 5 years before adolescence but were never adopted (50% boys) and their 177 maternal birth siblings who also had been in OHC at least 5 years before their teens but were adopted before adolescence (52.5% boys).

Journal of Social Work in Developing Societies & University of Nigeria Department of Social Work,

The First International Conference of the Department of Social Work, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, with the theme “Emerging and Contemporary Social Issues: The place of Social Work Education and Practice in Nigeria” was held 10-13 September 2018 and included 96 oral presentations of papers by delegates from across the country. Several papers focused on illegal adoptions of children in Nigeria and the role of social workers in addressing this practice.

Dr Elizabeth Miller & Imran Butt - Bridge Institute for Research and Policy,

This report examines the challenging relationship between Islam and fostering and adoption in the UK, and efforts currently being made to address it.

Dio Nugraha Rizki, Zainul Daulay, Beatrix Benni - International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding,

This article explores the inheritance rights of Indonesian citizens adopted by foreign nationals in terms of Indonesian inheritance law.

International Social Service (ISS),

This paper is aimed at supporting the professionals who accompany adoptees and their families in the process of searching for one's origins, and the various authorities with the competency to make decisions on this matter.

The Human Rights Campaign Foundation,

This report highlights more than 70 child welfare agencies across the United States that partnered with the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s All Children - All Families project to improve the services they provide to the LGBTQ community, including children in foster care and prospective foster and adoptive parents.

Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition,

This brief from the Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition in the United States provides an overview of the 30 Days to Family® program in the U.S. state of Missouri, an intense, short-term intervention developed by the Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition to: 1) increase the number of children placed with relatives/kin at the time they enter the foster care system; and 2) ensure natural and community supports are in place to promote stability for the child.

Consejo Nacional de Adopciones,

El Consejo Nacional de Adopciones se presenta al público en general la Memoria de Labores correspondiente al 2019, en la cual el único compromiso fue restituir los derechos de la niñez guatemalteca.