Recent Publications

Displaying 1201 - 1210 of 10391

Changing the Way We Care,

Este informe documenta las primeras etapas de un proceso de aprendizaje entre Cambiando la forma en que Cuidamos y la Congregación de las Hermanas de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Buen Pastor en México a medida que ellas avanzan en su proceso de transición. Este documento está dirigido a los profesionales, las organizaciones y los actores católicos interesados en apoyar o participar en un proceso de transición con las organizaciones católicas y también proporciona información útil para aquellos que participan en la transición con actores no religiosos. Esto incluye un importante aprendizaje relacionado con la forma de acompañar a las religiosas en el proceso de transición, comprendiendo los matices relacionados con el tiempo, el contenido y el enfoque. Y lo más importante es que explora el componente emocional que conlleva el hecho de que las religiosas, adapten el enfoque de su carisma a medida que se transforman, pasando de proporcionar atención residencial a una atención basada en la familia y la comunidad.

Changing the Way We Care,

This brief documents the first stages of a learning process between Changing the Way We CareSM and the Mexican Province of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd as the Sisters moved forward in their transition process. It is written for practitioners and organizations, including Catholic actors interested in supporting or engaging in a transition process with women religious and also provides useful information for those engaging in transition with non-faith actors.

International Parent Advocacy Network,

Join webinar to hear speakers present from Canada, the USA , the United Kingdom and Finland to discuss the work that they are doing to transform the child welfare system and in so doing return social work to its original values: social justice, empowerment and hope.

Inter-agency Statement,

These recommendations are intended for international, national and local agencies and authorities with a role to play in the emergency response in Ukraine, in particular in aspects pertaining to protection of children. All NGOs called on the international community to protect the 100,000 children from institutions in Ukraine. These organizations warned that without a centralised system to track the whereabouts, safety and well-being of these children, they risk being trafficked, or abandoned.

Ruth Edmonds, Alfred Ochaya, Nicola Sansom,

This article explores the role resilience processes play in education and well-being outcomes for street-connected children. It draws on research and practice undertaken as part of the Building with Bamboo Programme (BwB) on resilience. BwB investigated the forms a resilience-based approach might usefully take in practice, the effect this has on promoting resilience in children, and how this resilience leads to improved outcomes in their lives.

Child Rights NGO Coalition Hungary,

Это руководство предназначено для молодых людей и их семей, спасающихся бегством от конфликта в Украине в Венгрию. Он содержит основные практические вопросы и ответы, чтобы помочь тем, кто нуждается в немедленной помощи по прибытии в Венгрию. Этот ресурс был составлен Гражданской коалицией за права ребенка, крупнейшей в Венгрии профессиональной сетью гражданского общества по правам ребенка.

Child Rights NGO Coalition Hungary,

Цей посібник розроблено для молодих людей та їхніх сімей, які тікають від конфлікту в Україні до Угорщини. Він містить основні практичні запитання та відповіді, щоб допомогти тим, хто потребує негайної допомоги після прибуття в Угорщину. Цей ресурс був складений Громадянською коаліцією за права дитини, найбільшою професійною мережею громадянського суспільства в Угорщині з прав дитини.

Child Rights NGO Coalition Hungary,

Ez az útmutató azoknak a fiataloknak és családtagjaiknak készült, akik az ukrajnai konfliktus elől Magyarországra menekülnek. Alapvető gyakorlati kérdésekkel és válaszokkal segíti azokat, akiknek Magyarországra érkezéskor azonnali segítségre van szükségük. Ezt a forrásanyagot a Civil Koalíció a Gyermekjogiért Magyarország legnagyobb gyermekjogi szakmai hálózata, a Civil Koalíció a Gyermekjogiért állította össze.

Child Rights NGO Coalition Hungary,

This guide is designed for young people and their families fleeing the conflict in Ukraine to Hungary. It provides basic practical questions and answers to help those who need immediate assistance upon arrival in Hungary. This resource was compiled by the Civil Coalition for the Rights of the Child, Hungary's largest civil society professional network on the rights of the child.

Saleyha Ahsan - Lancet,

In this Lancet article, the author Saleyha Ahsan highlights the growing threat faced by Ukraine's 7·5 million children as the conflict continues. Children are being killed or wounded through direct attacks by Russian military or they have been forced to flee their homes to an uncertain future. In a statement to The Lancet, WHO called for international humanitarian and human rights law to be upheld. “The number of civilians, including children, dying as a result of the military offensive in Ukraine keeps rising. This must stop. The protection of civilians must be priority number one.”